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Adrian Roselli
Large Language Distrbuted Ledger Intelligent Agent IPA

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Still Guessing on Accessibility

I have no illusions that accessibility on the web can be tricky. It’s primarily tricky because of the way developers choose to implement it. Web Axe nicely sums it up: Most people don’t realize that the web IS accessible. The problem is that designers and developers break it.— Web Axe…


Tags: accessibility, html, rant, standards, W3C, WAI, WCAG

My Viewport Sizes

Yes, that is my two monitor set-up — one display at 1,920 × 1,080 (with a browser at whatever size will fit my tabs) and one at 1,024 × 1,280 (with a browser always at 1,024 × 1,024). My browser reports two different screen resolutions depending which display the browser…


Tags: analytics, browser

App Store Meta Tags

Why yes, Dominos, I’d love to tap again to get your real home page to order a pizza when I could have done it right here, below your over-sized app pitch that could be done in a tiny ribbon. This may be old news to some of you, but I…


Tags: Apple, apps, browser, html, Internet Explorer, Microsoft, mobile, Safari, UX

Facebook Graph Search and Lessons from Timeline

Facebook has announced its new Graph Search feature which allows logged in users to search for information across their friend profiles. Facebook even made it a point to set up a page about privacy in the graph search to try to head off concerns from users. In this case, Facebook…


Tags: Facebook, rant, social media

Letting Mobile Users See Desktop View of RWD Site

Bruce Lawson tweeted out a seemingly random musing today that I have pondered myself — what if, while on a mobile device and surfing a RWD web site, I want the desktop version of a site? There are many reasons as a user that this might be the case, ranging…


Tags: browser, css, JavaScript, mobile, standards, touch, usability, UX

Google Maps: Misbehaving with UA Sniffing

Here’s the TL;DR: Google Maps sniffs a browser’s user agent string. If it finds Internet Explorer on Windows Phone, then it kicks it over to the mobile home page. So let’s be clear. It’s 2013 and one of the biggest companies on the internet is using a sniffer to…


Tags: browser, geolocation, Google, internet, Microsoft, mobile, rant, standards, usability, UX