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Adrian Roselli
SaaS Algorithm Tool-Set SME

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Microsoft Doesn’t Like Chrome Frame

As if anybody is surprised, Ars Technica reports that Microsoft recommends against Internet Explorer users installing Google Chrome Frame citing security concerns.As I blug (I like that better than “blogged,” for now) on Tuesday, Google Chrome Frame is a plug-in for Microsoft Internet Explorer that essentially instantiates the Chrome browser…


Tags: browser, Chrome, Google, Internet Explorer, Microsoft

Google Chrome for Internet Explorer

This article was originally posted on, an online resource for web developers, maintained by web developers. I have granted the right to use this article on their web site, and they are the only entity with the right to reproduce it. A Brief History of Time Spent on…


Tags: browser, Chrome, Google, html, Internet Explorer, Microsoft, standards

Verified: Google Ignores Meta Keywords

In a post on the Google Webmaster Central blog today (Google does not use the keywords meta tag in web ranking), Google has clarified its policy on meta tags and page rank. Those of us trying to protect our clients from SEO/SEM snake-oil salesmen are happy to finally have an…


Tags: Google, SEM, SEO, standards

Corporate Social Media Policies

This article was originally posted on, an online resource for web developers, maintained by web developers. I have granted the right to use this article on their web site, and they are the only entity with the right to reproduce it. Chris Boudreaux is the author of an…


Tags: social media, standards

Three Good Site Search Articles

A List Apart has posted a triple threat today: three articles on site search and reporting.Testing Search for Relevancy and Precision by John Ferrara discusses relevancy testing and precision testing for your search results based on what users have searched for within your web site. He even provides a spreadsheet…


Tags: analytics, search

Google Chrome 3 Released

Google has announced the release of Chrome version 3 (stable release). Given that it just celebrated its first anniversary earlier this month, it may catch up to Internet Explorer versions in no time.SpeedGoogle claims the latest release is faster — 150% faster in JavaScript performance since the first beta and…


Tags: browser, Chrome, Google, html, standards

Twitter Updates ToS

On Thursday Twitter updated its Terms of Service. Much has already been said about how Twitter has confirmed that you as the author own your own tweets, but I was more taken with how Twitter made the new Terms easier to read for those of us who haven’t gotten a…


Tags: social media, Twitter

Facebook Stalks Twitter

It’s been a busy day over at Facebook HQ. They have announced three new features/applications that are either influenced directly by Twitter or can be viewed as direct competitors to features of Twitter.@Replies in Status UpdatesA compelling feature of Twitter is the ability to either respond directly to another Twit…


Tags: Facebook, social media, Twitter

Ning Apps Launch

Ning has announced today on their blog that Ning Apps have launched.We use the Ning platform to run the Ride for Roswell community site (RideConnect) and for the QuantumCMS forum (QuantumCMS is Algonquin Studios‘ web content management system, for which I am responsible, so go sign up with us). Having…


Tags: apps, ning, social media

Facebook Doesn’t Make You Smarter, Rigorous Research Does.

This article was originally posted on, an online resource for web developers, maintained by web developers. I have granted the right to use this article on their web site, and they are the only entity with the right to reproduce it. Yesterday posted an article titled “Psychologist:…


Tags: Facebook, rant, social media, Twitter

Google Chrome Turns 1

The Google Chrome blog has announced today that Chrome has officially turned 1 year old. In the regular world of software development, that might not be too long, but Google is quick to point out what they have done in just 1 year (I left their links intact):51 developer releases,…


Tags: browser, Chrome, Google

Google Chrome Pre-Installed on Sony PCs

Google cut a deal with Sony’s PC division to distribute Chrome as a pre-installed browser on their Vaio PCs. Google claims to be in talks with other computer makers. Google has supposedly discussed distributing Chrome with RealPlayer and is also talking about TV commercials.It looks like Google might be making…


Tags: browser, Chrome, Google, Sony