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Adrian Roselli
Crypto Virtualization Framework BYOB

All Posts Tagged: WCAG

W3C Browser and Accessibility News Bits

Three bits of news from the W3C this week related to browsers and accessibility. Well, two about browsers and two about accessibility with one of them acting as my cross-over reference.The User Agent Accessibility Guidelines Working Group has published an updated Working Draft of the User Agent Accessibility Guidelines (UAAG)…


Tags: accessibility, browser, standards, W3C, WAI, WCAG

W3C Testifies on Web Accessibility to US House

I might have posted this last week, considering this was scheduled to happen on Thursday, April 21, but then the time shifted from 10am to 1pm, and then no notes went up.Judy Brewer, Director of the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) was scheduled to appear (testify) before the US House Judiciary…


Tags: accessibility, standards, usability, W3C, WAI, WCAG

YouTube Opens Auto-Captioning to All

Image of the captions in use on President Obama’s speech about the Chile earthquake. If you’ve been reading my blog for a while now then you may have noticed my post back in November titled YouTube Will Automatically Caption Your Video. In that post I talked about YouTube leveraging Google…


Tags: accessibility, Google, video, W3C, WAI, WCAG, YouTube

Define “Cognitive Disability”

This image is borrowed from the WebAIM article on Cognitive Disabilities.In the blog post Definitions of “Cognitive Disability” by John Rochford, we can see that it’s not so easy to define the term “cognitive disability.” Given how often this term appears in accessibility statements and requirements for web sites, the…


Tags: accessibility, WCAG

Accessible Video and Transcripts

With HTML5 on the horizon, it is becoming far easier to embed video on a web page than it has been. Sure, you can drop some code copied from YouTube, but you have little control over the HTML or the video output. Once you do have your video, you also…


Tags: accessibility, html, video, W3C, WAI, WCAG, YouTube

ALL-CAPS: Harder to Read?

Susan Weinschenk, Ph.D. wanted to write an article about why it’s harder to read text set in all-caps than text set as mixed case. The argument for this has centered around how people read words — recognizing a word shape from its letters, whereas an all-caps word has no unique…


Tags: accessibility, design, fonts, typefaces, usability, UX, WCAG

YouTube Will Automatically Caption Your Video

Three years ago YouTube/Google added the ability for video authors to add captions to videos. Over time support for multiple caption tracks was included, the expansion of search to consider text in captions, and even machine translation support for the captions (see my other post about machine translation risks).Even with…


Tags: accessibility, Google, usability, video, WAI, WCAG, YouTube

Screen Reader User Survey Results

This article was originally posted on, an online resource for web developers, maintained by web developers. I have granted the right to use this article on their web site, and they are the only entity with the right to reproduce it. WebAIM is a non-profit organization within the…


Tags: accessibility, browser, html, standards, usability, UX, W3C, WAI, WCAG, xhtml