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Adrian Roselli
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All Posts Tagged: touch

Letting Mobile Users See Desktop View of RWD Site

Bruce Lawson tweeted out a seemingly random musing today that I have pondered myself — what if, while on a mobile device and surfing a RWD web site, I want the desktop version of a site? There are many reasons as a user that this might be the case, ranging…


Tags: browser, css, JavaScript, mobile, standards, touch, usability, UX

CSS-only Radial Menu Experiments

I have been working on a slow and plodding redesign of my personal site and am playing around with some navigation ideas. I wanted to create a JavaScript-free and image-free radial menu, an idea I toyed with a couple years ago and abandoned due to the lack of CSS support…


Tags: css, design, html, mobile, pattern, standards, touch, usability, UX

Ongoing Misunderstanding of Flash and HTML5

The latest article that uses absolutes and broad generalizations to imply an otherwise non-existent struggle between Flash and HTML5 is from UX Booth, “What the Demise of Flash Means for the User Experience.” To be fair to this article, I see regular missives on Flash vs. HTML5 and this particular…


Tags: Adobe, browser, css, Flash, html, JavaScript, mobile, rant, standards, touch, usability, UX, W3C

Amazon Silk, Yet Another Web Browser

Amazon’s long-awaited tablet/e-reader was formally announced today, and the conversations about whether or not it will compete the iPad are underway. I don’t much care about that. I am far more interested in the web browser that it includes. Amazon Silk is a new web browser, built on Webkit, and…


Tags: browser, Chrome, Firefox, html, internet, Internet Explorer, mobile, Opera, standards, touch

Don’t Choose Between Mobile Web and Mobile Apps

When Adobe released InDesign it included a novel feature that was otherwise unheard of to the average agency — the ability to import content into its page templates from XML data. Having developed a web content management system (QuantumCMS for those of you interested in hiring us), we had selected…


Tags: apps, browser, html, mobile, rant, standards, touch

Apps Are Not Killing the Web

Forrester Research is an oft-cited source by businesses when making decisions or declarations about trends and technologies. In many circles Forrester is something of a de facto standard for analysis. As such I fully expect to start dealing with a recent statement from its CEO claiming that the web is…


Tags: apps, browser, html, internet, mobile, rant, touch

Current(ish) Smartphone Use

I regularly come across reports and studies that talk about how smartphones are a growing platform, outpacing PCs in some markets and/or demographics, essentially re-writing how we use the web. Most of those reports lack hard data or lack solid analysis of that data, however, and fall prey to best…


Tags: internet, mobile, touch

More on Hover vs. Touch

If you are an avid reader of my blog (and you are, aren’t you?) then you might recall when I wrote the article UX Challenges in Touch Interfaces over at I discussed how users have become accustomed to using mice and developers have become accustomed to designing for the…


Tags: accessibility, mobile, touch, usability, UX

UX Challenges in Touch Interfaces (at

This article was originally posted on, an online resource for web developers, maintained by web developers. I have granted the right to use this article on their web site, and they are the only entity with the right to reproduce it. As mobile devices have been taking over…


Tags: accessibility, mobile, touch, usability, UX

TED Talk: The Future of UI

John Underkoffler is the science adviser who was behind the user interface ideas used in the movie Minority Report. In his TED talk, he shows examples of interfaces made up of real-world objects, providing interaction far different than what we know today. Given the success of the Wii, multi-touch interfaces,…


Tags: touch, usability, UX

Luke Wroblewski on Mobile First

Dan Benjamin and Jeffrey Zeldman interview Luke Wroblewski about the evolving nature of the web as mobile devices start to dominate the stats of some sites (5 by 5: Episode 6: Mobile First, 51:37). They bounce around discussing issues from design to technology while Luke peppers the conversation with statistics…


Tags: browser, design, mobile, standards, touch, usability, UX