Earlier this week CBS News ran the above image on its site in the Tech Talk section (within the topic Wired for Women, which doesn’t seem to have anything to do with women) under the article An infographic! If web browsers were wrestlers… As is common nowadays, any illustration with…
I’m going to make the assumption that if you are reading this you have at least a passing interest in typography on the web and have heard about Google’s new font preview tool. There are already plenty of articles talking about how easy it is, how Google hosts the typefaces,…
I like reading rants. And by rants, I mean well-thought, researched, articulate arguments that are the result of a festering pool of frustration finally shooting out and being channeled into something constructive. Not the rants you might find on bathroom stalls. Thanks to the Twitters I came across a blog…
I was out of the country when Steve Jobs posted his open letter on Flash to the Apple web site. Had I been around I would have dissected it. Today Adobe published its own open letter(s) about how great Flash is, why open markets are good, and even an ad…
Any of you watching the recent iPad coverage may already know that the iPad not only does not support Flash, there is no intention on the part of Apple to support Flash. Granted, the iPhone doesn’t support Flash, but neither do most other mobile devices. iPhone users had been complaining…
Mashable has posted information about browser usage (Browser Usage Stats: Chrome Grows While IE and Firefox Shrink) stats from Net Applications. In short, Chrome continues its climb at the expense of Explorer and Firefox. The original data comes from January of 2010 and shows that Chrome has gained 0.57% to…
The ToolLast week saw the launch of FindMeByIp.com, a very handy web site that displays a user’s current IP address (along with a geographic breakdown to city, if possible), user agent string (browser, version and operating system) and support for CSS3 and HTML5 (read the article about it). It accomplishes…
Jacob Gube has posted a handy chart over at Six Revisions titled “Performance Comparison of Major Web Browsers.” He tests the current versions of five browsers:Mozilla Firefox 3.5Google Chrome 3.0Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0Opera 10.0Apple Safari 4.0In his tests he used the following performance indicators, tested three times each with an…