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Adrian Roselli
Series A Generative System VRML

All Posts Tagged: JavaScript

YouTube and Vimeo Web Component

If you want something done right, post it wrong. In the long history of the innertubes, if you ask for help with code you typically won’t get much of a response. But if you post code and assert it is ideal and perfect and an immutable reflection of your pristine…


Tags: accessibility, html, JavaScript, pattern

The Children Are Driving the Bus

The Vercel CEO over on the hell-site tweets: produces the kind of production-grade code that we'd want to ship in our own @vercel products. That was the bar we set for ourselves. At the moment it can output HTML with @tailwindcss and React w/ @shadcn UI. Guillermo Rauch…


Tags: accessibility, JavaScript, rant, social media

Where to Put Focus When Deleting a Thing

TL;DR: When deleting something you should generally move focus to the prior equivalent control or its grouping container. Why This Is a Thing Plenty of user interfaces let users delete things that are on the screen. It may be an extra address, a calendar item, a message (the same as…


Tags: accessibility, JavaScript, pattern, usability, UX

Progressively Enhanced HTML Accordion

Does what it says on the tin. Uses <details> and <summary> with a bit of ARIA to create an accordion that works without JavaScript while working better with JavaScript. Mostly. See the Pen Progressively Enhanced HTML Accordion by Adrian Roselli (@aardrian) on CodePen. Visit the standalone version for testing or…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, css, html, JavaScript, pattern, print, usability, UX

You’re Unselectable

This block of code came across my Twitter timeline today framed as a CSS tip to prevent text selection on a web page: html { user-select: none; } For funsies, I dropped that CSS on this very page you are reading (assuming you are reading it in the browser). It…


Tags: css, JavaScript, rant, usability

Cistercian SVG

Thanks to a tweet from UCL Department of Mathematics, I am one of the many people who stumbled across Cistercian numerals and fell down the rabbit hole. To over-simplify, they are single glyphs that can each represent a number from 1 to 9,999 that were developed by Cistercian monks to…


Tags: accessibility, css, html, JavaScript

Multi-Function Button

Table of Contents Example The HTML Live Region Button Decoration Accessible Name The Styles Hide the Live Region Color and Contrast Active Animations Text Resize and Reflow Windows High Contrast Mode The Script The Click Event Manipulate Outcomes Screen Reader Output WCAG Success Criteria What This Does Not Do Wrap-up…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, css, html, JavaScript, pattern, usability, UX, WHCM

Maybe You Don’t Need a Date Picker

Calendar controls, date pickers, date widgets, whatever you call them, however they are described, they follow the same basic principle — present the user with a calendar to enter a date (and sometimes a time). Chris Blakeley, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 The native implementations come from browsers when authors use <input…


Tags: accessibility, html, JavaScript, pattern, usability, UX

Periodic Table of the Elements

I built this for me. An audience of one. A way to keep sharp the skills that I am not always able to use on a project. My requirements were simple: responsive (print, small screens), accessible (beyond screen readers), and kinda fun. Since it relies on a JSON data source…


Tags: accessibility, css, html, JavaScript, pattern, print, WHCM

Reading Order Bookmarklet

When a keyboard-only user or screen reader user comes to page that uses CSS to create a layout, there is a chance that what is on the screen does not match the flow of the page. In the posts HTML Source Order vs CSS Display Order and Source Order Matters…


Tags: accessibility, JavaScript, standards, WCAG

Uncanny A11y

The pun in the title is that some people pronounce the a11y numeronym as “alley”. That makes the full title sound like uncanny valley, the concept of human-looking things seeming almost, but not quite, human and therefore creepy. In accessibility, the same thing can happen. Developers can try so hard…


Tags: accessibility, ARIAbuse, css, html, JavaScript, usability, UX

Links List for Print Styles

I should qualify that I started writing this script and CSS, based on another experiment of mine, before I saw Aaron Gustafson’s 2005 ALA post Improving Link Display for Print. He uses similar techniques 12½ years ago that I use here, but with different syntax. Because scripting and styling has…


Tags: css, html, JavaScript, pattern, print