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Adrian Roselli
Computer Vision Monetization Framework VTOL

All Posts Tagged: Internet Explorer

IE10, Metro, and Media Queries

The image on the left is IE10 in desktop view, on the right is IE10 in Metro view, both on the same device and at the same dimensions and screen resolution. I worked pretty hard on our corporate site to test on as many devices and browsers as possible, trying…


Tags: css, Internet Explorer, mobile, standards, touch

Don’t Use Global Browser Stats

When I say “global,” I don’t necessarily mean the whole world, but really any aggregate pile of numbers for browsers that aren’t culled from your own site or project. With IE6 finally fading (which many developers will claim is a result of their IE6-blocking sites), the ire of developers has…


Tags: browser, clients, Internet Explorer, rant

App Store Meta Tags

Why yes, Dominos, I’d love to tap again to get your real home page to order a pizza when I could have done it right here, below your over-sized app pitch that could be done in a tiny ribbon. This may be old news to some of you, but I…


Tags: Apple, apps, browser, html, Internet Explorer, Microsoft, mobile, Safari, UX

CSS Background Images & High Contrast Mode

This post was written in 2012, when Internet Explorer was still a browser in common use, Edge did not exist (in either form), and WHCM was not yet on standards track. If you are supporting IE or looking for historical support, then this article is for you. Otherwise I recommend…


Tags: accessibility, browser, css, Internet Explorer, pattern, standards, W3C, WHCM

Changes to jQuery Browser Support

Currently, up to and including the jQuery 1.9 release (not out yet, but coming), jQuery actively supports the following browsers: Internet Explorer 6+ Firefox: Current -1 version Safari: Current -1 version Opera: Current -1 version Chrome: Current -1 version According to jQuery’s browser support page, any problem [in these browsers]…


Tags: Internet Explorer, JavaScript, UX

Three Browsers in One: Lunascape

I like to think I’m pretty smart about web browsers, sporting four on my mobile phone and six on my desktop computer in regular day-to-day use. Heck, I even started the browser archive back in 1999 with 80 unique browsers at the time (which I am pimping to the…


Tags: browser, Chrome, Firefox, internet, Internet Explorer, Safari

Exclusion Is a Feature Now

Every day I see examples of web developers allowing their ego to get in the way — trumpeting one browser over another, one technology over another, one methodology over another, and so on. These are typically not based on solid business or technical arguments. This week one stood out to…


Tags: browser, internet, Internet Explorer, rant, standards

Don’t Expect Microsoft’s Auto-Update to Kill IE6

Last week Microsoft announced that it is planning to start upgrading users to the latest version of Internet Explorer that their computers can run (IE to Start Automatic Upgrades across Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7). Web developers for the most part were overjoyed with the notion that IE6,…


Tags: accessibility, browser, internet, Internet Explorer, Microsoft

Everything Will Be the New IE6

There seems to be no shortage of people making a comparison to Internet Explorer version 6, or IE6, as the simplest way to declare that something is an impediment to progress. Sometimes the criticism is levied with the understanding that at one point IE6 was the bees knees (In praise…


Tags: browser, internet, Internet Explorer, Netscape

Amazon Silk, Yet Another Web Browser

Amazon’s long-awaited tablet/e-reader was formally announced today, and the conversations about whether or not it will compete the iPad are underway. I don’t much care about that. I am far more interested in the web browser that it includes. Amazon Silk is a new web browser, built on Webkit, and…


Tags: browser, Chrome, Firefox, html, internet, Internet Explorer, mobile, Opera, standards, touch

Browsers as Wrestlers “Infographic”

Earlier this week CBS News ran the above image on its site in the Tech Talk section (within the topic Wired for Women, which doesn’t seem to have anything to do with women) under the article An infographic! If web browsers were wrestlers… As is common nowadays, any illustration with…


Tags: browser, Chrome, Firefox, infographic, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari

Testing IE Versions via IE Compatibility Modes

This past week I have encountered people asking about testing for Internet Explorer browser versions in real life, on Twitter, via email, and spray-painted under a bridge (along with the phrase I don’t want the world, I just want your half). I have seen response after response directing web developers…


Tags: browser, Internet Explorer, Microsoft, rant