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Adrian Roselli
Natural-Language-Processed Monetization Process CLI

All Posts Tagged: Google

Google Chrome for Internet Explorer

This article was originally posted on, an online resource for web developers, maintained by web developers. I have granted the right to use this article on their web site, and they are the only entity with the right to reproduce it. A Brief History of Time Spent on…


Tags: browser, Chrome, Google, html, Internet Explorer, Microsoft, standards

Verified: Google Ignores Meta Keywords

In a post on the Google Webmaster Central blog today (Google does not use the keywords meta tag in web ranking), Google has clarified its policy on meta tags and page rank. Those of us trying to protect our clients from SEO/SEM snake-oil salesmen are happy to finally have an…


Tags: Google, SEM, SEO, standards

Google Chrome 3 Released

Google has announced the release of Chrome version 3 (stable release). Given that it just celebrated its first anniversary earlier this month, it may catch up to Internet Explorer versions in no time.SpeedGoogle claims the latest release is faster — 150% faster in JavaScript performance since the first beta and…


Tags: browser, Chrome, Google, html, standards

Google Chrome Turns 1

The Google Chrome blog has announced today that Chrome has officially turned 1 year old. In the regular world of software development, that might not be too long, but Google is quick to point out what they have done in just 1 year (I left their links intact):51 developer releases,…


Tags: browser, Chrome, Google

Google Chrome Pre-Installed on Sony PCs

Google cut a deal with Sony’s PC division to distribute Chrome as a pre-installed browser on their Vaio PCs. Google claims to be in talks with other computer makers. Google has supposedly discussed distributing Chrome with RealPlayer and is also talking about TV commercials.It looks like Google might be making…


Tags: browser, Chrome, Google, Sony