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Adrian Roselli
SaaS Monetization Platform CPACC

All Posts Tagged: Firefox

Group Labels Do Not Guarantee… Uniquity?

Heading this off early: uniquity uniq·​ui·​ty; \ yüˈnikwətē, -wətē, -i \Uniqueness; quality of being unique. There is a place where accessibility practitioners hang out and try to out-do each other with niche knowledge of nuance. While loitering in one, a question came up about text fields that have the same…


Tags: accessibility, browser, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, usability, UX

Stepping Back from the Edge

Due to lack of overwhelming request, you can download this logo (SVG). By now it is old news, in Internet time, that Microsoft Edge will replace its rendering engine with Chromium. Nearly six years ago I wrote about Opera dumping Presto to move to Chromium. The landscape is slightly different…


Tags: browser, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Microsoft, standards, W3C, whatwg

Display: Contents Is Not a CSS Reset

CSS resets are a collection of CSS styles that undo the default browser styling of many or most HTML elements. Recently I have seen cases of developers using display: contents on lists and headings to remove the margins and padding, and generally to visually do what a CSS reset might…


Tags: accessibility, browser, Chrome, css, Firefox, Safari, standards, tables

Feature Request for Firefox Grid Inspector: Source Order

This post is both a feature request and an opportunity to share my thoughts in a format I find easier to use than a Bugzilla report. And Jen Simmons said I could do it as a blog post. So there. Firefox Grid Inspector I am a big fan of the…


Tags: accessibility, browser, css, Firefox, usability, WCAG

HTML Source Order vs CSS Display Order

Last month in my post Source Order Matters I wrote about why we need to consider how the source order of the HTML of a page can affect users when the CSS re-orders the content visually. While I used a recipe as an analogue and cited WCAG conformance rules, I…


Tags: accessibility, browser, css, design, Edge, Firefox, html, Internet Explorer, standards, usability, UX, WCAG

All of This Has Happened Before and Will Happen Again

Jacob Rossi from Microsoft put together an article for Smashing Magazine that discusses Microsoft’s Project Spartan web browser, Inside Microsoft’s New Rendering Engine For The “Project Spartan”. Unlike other click-bait efforts that only speculated that perhaps Spartan was going to be WebKit-based, showing their own preference instead of any real…


Tags: browser, Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, rant, Safari, standards

My Kingdom for Decimal Alignment on Numbers

This post isn’t proposing any solutions (although I do toss out a hack). This post is a rant that I hope helps influence browser makers. Background Much of my web work isn’t for public facing web sites. Often it’s for enterprise-level software that is deployed via the web and used…


Tags: browser, Chrome, css, Firefox, html, Internet Explorer, Opera, rant, Safari, standards

Three Browsers in One: Lunascape

I like to think I’m pretty smart about web browsers, sporting four on my mobile phone and six on my desktop computer in regular day-to-day use. Heck, I even started the browser archive back in 1999 with 80 unique browsers at the time (which I am pimping to the…


Tags: browser, Chrome, Firefox, internet, Internet Explorer, Safari

Amazon Silk, Yet Another Web Browser

Amazon’s long-awaited tablet/e-reader was formally announced today, and the conversations about whether or not it will compete the iPad are underway. I don’t much care about that. I am far more interested in the web browser that it includes. Amazon Silk is a new web browser, built on Webkit, and…


Tags: browser, Chrome, Firefox, html, internet, Internet Explorer, mobile, Opera, standards, touch

Browsers as Wrestlers “Infographic”

Earlier this week CBS News ran the above image on its site in the Tech Talk section (within the topic Wired for Women, which doesn’t seem to have anything to do with women) under the article An infographic! If web browsers were wrestlers… As is common nowadays, any illustration with…


Tags: browser, Chrome, Firefox, infographic, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari

Chrome and Mozilla Announce Tracking Blockers

Last month Microsoft announced that Internet Explorer will be adding a “tracking protection” feature to its browser, allowing users to prevent advertising sites from tracking their activity on the web (ad targeting, really). This move was partly to stay ahead of an FTC push to mandate that browser makers add…


Tags: browser, Chrome, Firefox, internet, privacy

Browsers to Add Tracking Blockers

This may be somewhat old news by now, but given the hubbub last night that Apple and some makers of apps for the iPhone are getting sued over tracking users without consent, it seems that the struggle between privacy and features will never be old news. Back at the dawn…


Tags: browser, Firefox, internet, Internet Explorer, Microsoft, privacy