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Adrian Roselli
Crypto Neural Network Token MVP

All Posts Tagged: Adobe

Ongoing Misunderstanding of Flash and HTML5

The latest article that uses absolutes and broad generalizations to imply an otherwise non-existent struggle between Flash and HTML5 is from UX Booth, “What the Demise of Flash Means for the User Experience.” To be fair to this article, I see regular missives on Flash vs. HTML5 and this particular…


Tags: Adobe, browser, css, Flash, html, JavaScript, mobile, rant, standards, touch, usability, UX, W3C

Flash is Dead! Long Live Flash!

Re-posted from its original home on the Algonquin Studios blog. A lot of news has been made of Adobe’s recent move to end development of the Flash player for mobile devices (such as your smartphone or tablet). Even people outside of the tech community have heard about it and are…


Tags: Adobe, Flash, html

Flash Isn’t Going Away, Except from Your Mobile

You may have heard some rumors that Flash is going away. You may read it as vindication for Steve Jobs. You may have decided web development will now change. You may be under the impression that HTML5 can do all the things Flash can. You can be excused when you…


Tags: Adobe, css, Flash, html, standards

Thoughts on Muse (Obvious Pun Avoided)

I downloaded and installed Adobe’s new web design tool, Muse (code name) (also at Adobe Labs) out of morbid curiosity. Just like Adobe Edge (which refuses to launch), I had very little expectation that this would be a fully-developed sales-ready product. Instead of getting into extensive detail about the quality…


Tags: accessibility, Adobe, css, design, html, JavaScript, SEM, SEO, standards

More on HTML5 as DHTML

Guns don’t kill people, the bullets do that (unless you pistol-whip someone to death, which means you probably ran out of bullets). Similarly HTML5, JavaScript, CSS and even Flash aren’t dangerous on their own, but in the wrong hands and with the wrong motives they can do harm. I wrote…


Tags: Adobe, css, html, JavaScript, rant, standards, W3C, whatwg

Smokescreen Brings Flash to iPad, iPhone

Smokescreen – iPad demo #1 from Chris @ RevShockAds on Vimeo.Now that it’s clear that Apple has no intention of letting Adobe Flash run on the iPad or iPhone, workarounds for Flash are even more compelling to developers. Smokescreen, primarily by Chris Smoak, bypasses the need for the Flash plug-in…


Tags: Adobe, Apple, browser, Flash, html, mobile

More Salvos from Apple and Adobe, to No One in Particular

I was out of the country when Steve Jobs posted his open letter on Flash to the Apple web site. Had I been around I would have dissected it. Today Adobe published its own open letter(s) about how great Flash is, why open markets are good, and even an ad…


Tags: Adobe, Apple, browser, Flash, html, mobile, rant, Safari, usability, W3C, whatwg

Adobe to Drop iPhone Support, Target Android

And the saga continues. If you read my post Adobe vs. Apple or Flash vs. HTML5 from a few days ago, you already know that Apple and Adobe appear locked in a battle over Flash and the iPhone OS. It’s clear Apple wasn’t planning on backing down and it’s certainly…


Tags: Adobe, Apple, Flash, Google, mobile

Adobe vs. Apple or Flash vs. HTML5

Any of you watching the recent iPad coverage may already know that the iPad not only does not support Flash, there is no intention on the part of Apple to support Flash. Granted, the iPhone doesn’t support Flash, but neither do most other mobile devices. iPhone users had been complaining…


Tags: Adobe, Apple, browser, Flash, html, mobile, Safari, usability