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Adrian Roselli
Natural-Language-Processed Virtualization Token MVP

All Posts Tagged: accessibility

Scroll Snap Challenges

Though JS-free fixed table row and column headers have been possible for quite some time, Safari’s and Chrome’s recent fixes got some people pretty excited. Enough that folks are copying code samples in whole, without always paying attention to necessary considerations. That same excited demo included other CSS properties that…


Tags: accessibility, css, pattern, standards, tables, usability, UX, WCAG

Using CSS to Enforce Accessibility

The CSS3 logo as a head atop a torso with its arms folded across its chest. I am a big proponent of the First Rule of ARIA (don’t use ARIA). But ARIA brings a lot to the table that HTML does not, such as complex widgets and state information that…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, css

Multi-Column Sortable Table Experiment

This post expands on what I covered in my April 2021 post, Sortable Table Columns. You may want to read that first to understand the broader challenges and techniques for making a table sortable by one column at a time. That last statement is what matters here. ARIA 1.1 says…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, pattern, tables, UX

Embracing Design Constraints

Form ever follows function. Louis Sullivan Louis Sullivan, the father of the modern skyscraper, espoused this belief throughout his work. He recognized that the purpose of the building, when entering a place with no prior art, had to drive how it would look. With both the technology and audience providing…


Tags: accessibility, design, usability, UX

Sortable Table Columns

An accessible sortable table is not necessarily the same as a usable sortable table. Outline: Basics Let The User Know This Thing Has Sorted Screen Reader Announcement Sort Arrows Column Background Column Background via <col> Let The User Know This Thing Sorts SVGs Layout Windows High Contrast Mode Screen Readers…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, pattern, tables, UX

13 Letters Podcast

Not an April Fool gag. I was invited to the 13 Letters podcast to discuss the world of accessibility overlays. The title of the episode makes it pretty clear: Adrian and the Overlays We recorded it mid-January, or before the Vice (People With Disabilities Say This AI Tool Is Making…


Tags: accessibility, overlay, speaking

Under-Engineered Select Menus

Others in this sorta-series: Under-Engineered Custom Radio Buttons and Checkboxen Under-Engineered Toggles Under-Engineered Toggles Too Under-Engineered Text Boxen I am still confounded how many developers and designers see a <select> and immediately reach for a library or framework to re-create the features from the ground up. Though, frankly, I am…


Tags: accessibility, css, html, pattern, usability, UX

Cistercian SVG

Thanks to a tweet from UCL Department of Mathematics, I am one of the many people who stumbled across Cistercian numerals and fell down the rabbit hole. To over-simplify, they are single glyphs that can each represent a number from 1 to 9,999 that were developed by Cistercian monks to…


Tags: accessibility, css, html, JavaScript

Free Feedback for #accessiBe

On Friday, 12 February, at the request of Chancey Fleet I joined a call accessiBe set up with her. I have made it a point to only engage accessiBe publicly and with publicly available information, declining invitations from accessiBe in the past. Michael Hingson, formerly of Aira, had recently joined…


Tags: accessibility, overlay, standards, UX

WHCM and System Colors

Outline: Feature Queries Proprietary, or Internet Explorer Only Standards Track, or Edge Only Frankenquery’s Monster System Colors CSS2 System Color Keywords WHCM Proprietary Feature Query Color Mappings CSS4 System Color Keywords Browser Support Internet Explorer Legacy Edge (Ledgacy) Chromium Edge (Chromiedge) Firefox Chrome Examples Backgrounds Inline SVGs SVGs via <img>s…


Tags: accessibility, browser, Chrome, css, Edge, Firefox, html, Internet Explorer, WHCM

Sub-$1,000 Web Accessibility Solution

If someone approaches you claiming they can make your web site WCAG compliant for just $1,000, they are lying to you. Granted, you may have a one-page site where the only problem is some contrast, in which case sure, $1,000 might be more than enough. Adapted from “Cape Fear Discount…


Tags: accessibility, overlay

Bulletproofing Embedded Tweets

You may rely on embedding tweets in your posts as a quick and easy way to quote or reference a person or subject. There are two challenges to relying on this, however: A tweet or account may be deleted or go private; The content may not be accessible to users…


Tags: accessibility, html, social media, Twitter