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Adrian Roselli
Large Language Non-Fungible State VRML

All Posts Tagged: WHCM

Under-Engineered Custom Radio Buttons and Checkboxen

Note: September 25, 2021 If you do not need to support IE, Legacy Edge, or older versions of Firefox, then I encourage you to ignore this post and instead read Scott O’Hara’s post One last time: custom styling radio buttons and checkboxes. Updated August 17, 2019 I have updated this…


Tags: accessibility, css, html, pattern, usability, UX, WHCM

Punch-Out Avatar

I built this on a whim after seeing some terrible examples on Stack Overflow, so unlike other demos I build there was no immediate application. That means it may or may not be useful as-is. Variation For this post I have forked each variation of the original and added a…


Tags: accessibility, css, html, pattern, print, standards, WHCM

CSS and System Fonts

This weekend I read a post about techniques to get Apple’s new San Francisco font into your CSS. Since San Francisco is only just being added to iOS and OS X, it can be a bit tricky to get hold of it in Safari. What struck me was the use…


Tags: Apple, browser, css, fonts, mobile, Safari, standards, usability, UX, WHCM

Obligatory Redesign Post

Screen shots showing four of the states of the menu of which I am so proud but which has questionable usability, as opposed to the h1 style, which is unquestionably unusable. Note that one of those screen shots is really a view of the printed page, where the menu is…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, css, design, html, mobile, standards, touch, usability, WHCM

CSS Background Images & High Contrast Mode

This post was written in 2012, when Internet Explorer was still a browser in common use, Edge did not exist (in either form), and WHCM was not yet on standards track. If you are supporting IE or looking for historical support, then this article is for you. Otherwise I recommend…


Tags: accessibility, browser, css, Internet Explorer, pattern, standards, W3C, WHCM