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Adrian Roselli
Crypto Modeling Framework sFTP

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Juno – Free Email for Megahertz

The Details As of January 18, Juno’s new service agreement has been in effect. As with all service agreements of this nature, they notify you of a change, and if you continue to use the service, you are bound by it. So what? Well, there’s a new feature that Juno…


Breadcrumbs for Those Using ASP

This article was originally posted on, an online resource for web developers, maintained by web developers. I have granted the right to use this article on their web site, and they are the only entity with the right to reproduce it. Instead of going through the usefulness of…


Tags: css, html, pattern, usability

Canada to Force Re-registration of all .ca Domains

The Register reports that Canada is dealing with URL disputes by setting up a non-profit organization called the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) that will force all .ca domain name holders to re-apply for their domains. This transfers the responsibility for the registry from the volunteer organization at the University…


You Call That Web Site Testing?

I received this spam (scroll to bottom) the other day from a company claiming to audit web sites. Unfortunately, I have no idea what they could actually audit since accessibility, usability, and compliance are not even remotely demonstrated on their own site. So I offer up this email to you…


Tags: accessibility, rant, standards

Real-World Browser Size Stats, Part I

This article was originally posted on, an online resource for web developers, maintained by web developers. I have granted the right to use this article on their web site, and they are the only entity with the right to reproduce it. Everybody has their own take on what…


Tags: JavaScript, pattern

Real-World Browser Size Stats, Part II

This article was originally posted on, an online resource for web developers, maintained by web developers. I have granted the right to use this article on their web site, and they are the only entity with the right to reproduce it. In Part I of this article I…


Tags: browser

Adobe to Sue AppleInsider

For those of you who have heard about Adobe Photoshop 6, you may have heard about the sneak preview of it and ImageReady 3 that AppleInsider posted on May 30. If you go back to that page now, the link to the article has been replaced with the text, “Links…


BeOS 5 to be Released for Free

Be, Inc. will release BeOS 5 for free download later this quarter (no earlier than March 31). The free download (estimated at between 40 and 60MB right now) will only be available to individuals for personal, non-commercial use. Commercial use will require a separate license. It appears to be primarily…


BBB Requests Input on Proposed Online Code

The Better Business Bureau, through its BBBOnline entity, seems to have finally realized that it can leverage its name in the online world to provide basic auditing over online business. Just as a company may display the Better Business Bureau seal on their advertising to tell customers to expect a…


IE5.0 for Mac Delayed Again

Microsoft has verified reports that Internet Explorer 5.0 will be pushed back from the fall release date to a winter release date. Back in July, Microsoft acknowledged the shift from a summer release date to a fall release date. According to Microsoft, the delay is due to their attempts to…


Let the User Skip the Splash Page

This article was originally posted on, an online resource for web developers, maintained by web developers. I have granted the right to use this article on their web site, and they are the only entity with the right to reproduce it. The proliferation of splash pages on web…


Tags: JavaScript, pattern, usability

Apple Cinema Display – why bother?

Can somebody please explain to me as a web developer the benefits of buying the Apple Cinema Display? I’ve seen a few articles here and there where they tout it as the monitor that web developers will go ga-ga over, like this more balanced one at But so far,…


Tags: rant