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Adrian Roselli
Outsourced Trained Wallet VRML

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Adobe vs. Apple or Flash vs. HTML5

Any of you watching the recent iPad coverage may already know that the iPad not only does not support Flash, there is no intention on the part of Apple to support Flash. Granted, the iPhone doesn’t support Flash, but neither do most other mobile devices. iPhone users had been complaining…


Tags: Adobe, Apple, browser, Flash, html, mobile, Safari, usability

Your Site Speed to Affect Its Google Rank

If you’ve been paying attention to the world of SEO and the intersection with Google, then you may have heard a few months back that Google was considering using the speed of a site to affect a site’s rankings. Google has already factored in the speed of a site when…


Tags: analytics, Google, SEM, SEO

Mapping Location-Based Social Media

This article was originally posted on, an online resource for web developers, maintained by web developers. I have granted the right to use this article on their web site, and they are the only entity with the right to reproduce it. If you have been paying any attention…


Tags: Bing, Brightkite, Foursquare, geolocation, Google, Mapquest, social media

Mozilla to Modify How CSS :visited Works

If you know CSS, then you know that the :visited pseudo-class is a method to determine if a user has already been to the link it targets. For example, you may have styles for a:link and a:visited in your CSS file to help users see a difference between links they’ve…


Tags: css, Firefox, privacy, standards

Google to Let Users Opt Out of Analytics Tracking

Given all the flak Google has taken recently (see my post yesterday, More Social Media Privacy News), I wasn’t too surprised to see this headline come through from ReadWriteWeb: Google Will Soon Allow You to Opt Out of Google Analytics Tracking.In a blog post from yesterday (More choice for users:…


Tags: analytics, Google, privacy

More Social Media Privacy News

Yesterday the Wall Street Journal technology blog posted an article titled Google Buzz Exemplifies Privacy Problems, FTC Commissioner Says. The outgoing FTC Commissioner said that technology companies, specifically Google, are being too cavalier with the personal data of consumers. While qualifying her remarks as not official FTC comments, she said…


Tags: Buzz, Facebook, Foursquare, Google, privacy, social media

Bar Codes as Web Portals

The same night my article about QR codes (Real World Hyperlinks) goes up on, TechCrunch posts an article about a company using bar codes in a novel way — The Secret Lives Of Objects: StickyBits Turn Barcodes Into Personal Message Boards.StickyBits, the name of the company and product, is…


Tags: mobile, QR, social media

FourWhere: The Spawn of Google Maps and Foursquare

Both ReadWriteWeb (FourWhere Mashes Up Foursquare and Google Maps) and Mashable (Foursquare + Google Maps = FourWhere) are covering the emergence of a new service/site/product called FourWhere. The concept here is very simple — take Foursquare locations and feed them into Google Maps, providing a simple view of all the…


Tags: Foursquare, geolocation, Google, social media

“Real World Hyperlinks” Article at

This article was originally posted on, an online resource for web developers, maintained by web developers. I have granted the right to use this article on their web site, and they are the only entity with the right to reproduce it. You may be wondering what this graphic…


Tags: Brightkite, Foursquare, Google, internet, Microsoft, mobile, QR

YouTube Opens Auto-Captioning to All

Image of the captions in use on President Obama’s speech about the Chile earthquake. If you’ve been reading my blog for a while now then you may have noticed my post back in November titled YouTube Will Automatically Caption Your Video. In that post I talked about YouTube leveraging Google…


Tags: accessibility, Google, video, W3C, WAI, WCAG, YouTube

W3C Releases 7 HTML-related Documents

The W3C has announced today that it has published seven documents related to HTML. I’m going to cheat and just bring in their description:HTML 5 and HTML5 differences from HTML4. In addition, some content that was part of the HTML 5 specification has been published in two new standalone drafts:…


Tags: html, standards, W3C

RIP IE6 (Not Really, But Here’s to Hoping)

CNN is reporting on a funeral today for Microsoft Internet Explorer 6. The funeral is in Denver, Colorado, so I will not be attending.That the mainstream press is covering this is good news — somebody out there in the non-tech world understands that is newsworthy, even if only to a…


Tags: browser, Internet Explorer, Microsoft