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Adrian Roselli
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For many years I’ve pushed for print styles for sites. It’s an easy step to take in the course of developing a site, easy to test, and the techniques to do it have been around for over a decade. Something as rigid as a tabled layout could be relatively easily…


Tags: browser, css, print, rant, standards

More Evidence of the Need for Print Styles

Readers of this blog know of my regular frustration with web sites that don’t have print styles. Part of this is fueled by all the lip service supposed responsive web developers pay to adapting to different screen sizes, but who fail to consider the printed page when we’ve had support…


Tags: css, print, rant, standards

W3C CSS Odor Module Released

The web was always a visual medium, but with the addition of sound and video it has locked up two human senses. With development of specifications and techniques around vibration, the internet you “feel” is getting closer, too. That leaves only a couple senses left to cover Ever since the…


Tags: browser, css, internet, standards, W3C

iPad Retina Display Concerns and Tips

TL;DR The iPad 3 retina display means a lot of apps and web sites are going to feel pressure for sharper (bigger) images. Knowing if you need to scale your images, the impact on end users and some ways to mitigate that impact is the right way to approach this.…


Tags: Apple, apps, css, design, mobile, SVG, UX, W3C

Netscape Navigator 2.01 Celebrates 16th Anniversary

As of March 18, 2011 Netscape Navigator version 2.01 has turned 16 years old. Back when it was released in 1996 it was the bees knees. It introduced JavaScript (originally LiveScript), Java support, plug-ins, an email client, auto-dithering, and Live3D. It also provided support for font color, div, wrap, sup,…


Tags: browser, design, internet, Netscape

HTML5 and Enterprise on Mobile

An Argument Early last week .net Magazine posted an article Why HTML5 is not the choice for enterprise mobility by David Akka. The article starts off with the statement HTML5 is being hailed as the programming language… That’s as far as I got before I realized this article had a…


Tags: html, mobile, standards

The Return of “Best Viewed in…”

The graphic above (and its lengthy alt) is a parody based on a rather neat utility called the HTML5 Please API. You can drop the code onto your cutting edge demo site and it will indicate to a user what browsers support the features within. The code stays current by…


Tags: browser, Chrome, css, design, html, mobile, rant, standards, usability, UX

Ongoing Misunderstanding of Flash and HTML5

The latest article that uses absolutes and broad generalizations to imply an otherwise non-existent struggle between Flash and HTML5 is from UX Booth, “What the Demise of Flash Means for the User Experience.” To be fair to this article, I see regular missives on Flash vs. HTML5 and this particular…


Tags: Adobe, browser, css, Flash, html, JavaScript, mobile, rant, standards, touch, usability, UX, W3C

Make a Better Restaurant Site

Last night I had the pleasure of moderating a panel discussion for the Buffalo chapter of Social Media Club. The panel consisted of a food blogger, a restaurant review site owner, a restaurant / cooking school owner, and a local food writer / reviewer / event planner. As I asked…


Tags: accessibility, design, Flash, food, mobile, rant, social media

Buffalo Foodie Panel

In just under one week’s time, the Buffalo chapter of Social Media Club will be hosting a panel discussion featuring local food bloggers, restaurant reviewers, and food business owners who have found success using social media. Here’s the scoop: Wednesday, February 22, 2012 6:00pm — 8:30pm Artisan Kitchen and Baths…


Tags: food, social media, speaking

Browser Makers Caving to Vendor Prefix Misuse

TL;DR: Help stop further erosion of an open web by removing our -webkit- only prefix reliance. Information on how to do this at the bottom. Example of vendor prefixes in CSS for Webkit browsers (Chrome, Safari), Mozilla, Internet Explorer, Opera, and finally the standard from the CSS spec. Vendor prefixes…


Tags: browser, css, rant, standards, W3C

No DHTML, Please

The trend continues where I speak to clients, vendors, young developers fresh out of college, and even the teachers/professors who instruct them and they don’t understand that HTML5 and CSS3 aren’t the same specification. I have repeatedly shown an HTML 4.01 site with CSS3 to explain that they are each…


Tags: html, rant, standards, W3C, whatwg