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Adrian Roselli
Crypto Modeling Library sFTP

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A Strongly Worded Letter

Last week while whining about having accessibility contributions to FOSS projects dismissed, I had a Twitter conversation about when the same thing happens with clients. I have a method to deal with that, however, which I briefly outlined on Twitter. I promised to expand on it in a blog post,…


Tags: accessibility


Tobie Langel and I have launched a new site called (spoken as Accessibility Reviews). Today if you want to identify if a tool, platform, service, resource, etc. is accessible you have to ask the broader community for its feedback. This does not scale. The goal of the site is…


Tags: accessibility, standards, usability, UX

Baseline Rules for Scrollbar Usability

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Inclusive Design Principles Manage Expectations Wrap-up CSS Scrollbar Module (added 10 December 2021) Now that one of the most popular CSS resource sites on the innertubes has implemented styled scrollbars in the browser I think the time is right (or too late?) for me to try…


Tags: accessibility, browser, css, usability

Stepping Back from the Edge

Due to lack of overwhelming request, you can download this logo (SVG). By now it is old news, in Internet time, that Microsoft Edge will replace its rendering engine with Chromium. Nearly six years ago I wrote about Opera dumping Presto to move to Chromium. The landscape is slightly different…


Tags: browser, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Microsoft, standards, W3C, whatwg

Lessons from Gutenberg

When Rian Rietveld resigned from the WordPress accessibility team on October 9, I decided to track the fallout in an ongoing Twitter thread. The subsequent weeks and days proved to be wonderful insight into how a project can suffer when accessibility is not built in from the start. When subject…


Tags: accessibility, standards, WordPress

A CSS Venn Diagram

A few years ago I made a Venn diagram using floats and absolute positioning. It was fine. Nothing to really brag about, but it got the point across. I had use for CSS shapes in a project and wanted to play around beyond what the project itself allowed. I decided…


Tags: css, html, pattern

Conferences, Speakers: Please Caption Your Videos

Over the last few years more and more conferences have started to provide live captions during talks. This is awesome and inclusive and great for the olds like me. It excites me so much that I even sponsored the live captions at a conference a couple months ago. While I…


Tags: accessibility, rant, standards, usability, UX, video

Selfish Accessibility — Harbour Front HK

The slides from my talk at Harbour Front Hong Kong follow. If you cannot view the embed, visit them directly at SlideShare. Embedded Videos There were two videos in my talk. They will not play in the SlideShare embed, so I stuffed them below. Slide 53 The video demonstrates how…


Tags: accessibility, slides, standards

Hack on MDN

Glenda Sims, Estelle Weyl, Janet Swisher, and I holding letter chairs from Alphabet, part of the Shoreditch Design Triangle. We tried to form them into the #HackOnMDN hashtag for the event, but had to get a bit punny since there weren’t enough of each letter we needed. Photo by Dan…


Tags: accessibility, standards

Selfish Accessibility at CodeDaze

The slides from my talk at CodeDaze follow. If you cannot view the embed, visit them directly at SlideShare. Embedded Videos There were two videos in my talk. They will not play in the SlideShare embed, so I stuffed them below. Slide 56 The video demonstrates how a screen reader…


Tags: accessibility, slides, standards, usability, UX

Demand Refunds for Invalid HTML in Courses

It is easier than ever to follow web standards and be confident that, for the most part, modern browsers will render it the same. Accessibility standards are enshrined in law the world over, making standards-based semantic and structural mark-up the safest and easiest path. If you do HTML correctly then…


Tags: accessibility, css, html, rant, standards

On Gutenberg, for My Clients

TL;DR: When WordPress 5.0 is released, let’s keep the current editor on your site instead of allowing the new editor, Gutenberg, to replace it. Level Setting Some of you are familiar with WordPress beyond a platform that powers your site — you follow along with its changes and its direction.…


Tags: accessibility, usability, UX, WordPress