Which VoiceOver?

You may have seen this as a thread on Mastodon (my primary social short-form platform) or on BlueSky. Imagine these as the opening to a series of conversations between a vendor or client or boss or PO or whomever and me.

Variations on Real Life Conversations

The VoiceOver logo with a question mark in the center of the circle instead of a human figure.

“We like the way <figure> announces with VoiceOver.”

“Ok, which VoiceOver?”

“We like the way description lists work with VoiceOver.”

“Ok, which VoiceOver?”

“We like the way aria-readonly is handled by VoiceOver.”

“Ok, which VoiceOver?”

“We want it to work like title does with VoiceOver.”

“Ok, which VoiceOver?”

“We like how video full-screen and picture-in-picture is done in VoiceOver.”

“Ok, which VoiceOver?”

“We use this error message approach because we prefer it in VoiceOver.”

“Ok, which VoiceOver?”

“We use the WHATWG pattern for blockquotes because we prefer it in VoiceOver.”

“Ok, which VoiceOver?”

“We’re replacing fieldsets with group roles because support is good in VoiceOver.”

“Ok, which VoiceOver?”

“We’re using <del> for stricken text because it gets announced in VoiceOver.”

“Ok, which VoiceOver?”

“We think the way bank account balances are read in VoiceOver is weird.”

“Ok, which VoiceOver?”


Remember that VoiceOver on macOS is different than VoiceOver on iOS. Maybe even different than VoiceOver on iPadOS, or any other iDevice platform. That’s for you to test if those announcements and behaviors and bugs are so important to you. This post does not care why they are different. This post only shares the end-user experience.

By no means are my examples exhaustive. Nor are they constant. Safari gets updates, the operating systems get updates, VoiceOver gets updates, bugs occur, regressions happen, preferences change, specs change, and so on. Relying on a preferred behavior on one Apple platform is risky, though whether it’s riskier than relying on a behavior on any platform is an exercise for the reader.

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