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Adrian Roselli
Large Language Monetization Platform genAI

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Brief Note on Disclosures in Fieldsets

TL;DR: Probably don’t use disclosure widgets in fieldsets. If you do it anyway, don’t put the trigger in the <legend>. Context With <details> / <summary>, recent support for the popover attribute, and the never-ending belief that a “clean” page means hiding content, there is a resurgence in stuffing useful content…


Tags: html, standards, usability, UX

Under-Engineered Estimated Reading Time Feature

There are plenty of plug-ins, libraries, and tutorials that will add an “estimated reading time” visual cue to your site. There are also browser extensions for users. Most use JavaScript and CSS to calculate based on word count and viewport position. All require more work on the part of the…


Tags: accessibility, browser, css, design, pattern, usability, UX

Semi-Annual Reminder to Learn and Hire for Web Standards

Alex Russell wrote a four-part series a couple weeks ago arguing that modern JavaScript-first framework-focused front-end development is costing the industry and users. Part of his conclusion for organizations: Never, ever hire for JavaScript framework skills. Instead, interview and hire only for fundamentals like web standards, accessibility, modern CSS, semantic…


Tags: ARIA, html, rant, standards, W3C, whatwg