Techniques to Break Words

A few days ago Benjy Stanton asked about breaking long words in tables. I offered a suggestion, which may or may not have worked. I never asked.
My failure to follow up aside, it reminded me that I have had to walk clients through text wrapping and word breaking more than once. I decided I wanted a blog post dated 29 February, so I took a demo I had for word breaking, beat it up a bit, and rushed this post out.
I made a page that allows you to play around with a few variations on breaking words. I use long single words in English, German, Hebrew (right-to-left), Hindi, Japanese, and Arabic (right-to-left). They are probably all terrible examples since I speak none of those. I also have a long web page address and a long email. Then I replicate those each into a table.
The buttons allow you to toggle table layout, which CSS properties you use, and the width of the containers so you can see where else words will break. You can visit the debug mode and run it full screen if that helps.
See the Pen Techniques to Break Words by Adrian Roselli (@aardrian) on CodePen.
CSS Bits
The samples are all affected by CSS, but the first of the boxes uses only CSS to achieve the word breaking.
The tables are set to 100%
wide. With this set, you can toggle table-layout: fixed
on and off. When active, the browser tries to fit the table into that defined width, which means all sorts of overflowing and word breaking. This only applies to the tables at the bottom of each block.
When the words break, how they break is affected by what follows.
For this option, I set word-break: break-all
, which breaks words anywhere the browser wants in order to try to fit in the defined width. It ignores any breaking cues you provide. Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK) text is supposed to be exempted from this.
This approach adds no hyphens. It just snaps a word wherever.
I am using overflow-wrap: anywhere
because it is the most aggressive of the overflow-wrap
values. It will try to honor any breaking cues you provide within the word
This approach also adds no hyphens — unless you provide hints (which I cover below).
This might be the property you expected. The hyphens: auto
will break words and add hyphens based on the language (lang
) and the browser’s own dictionary.
The browser may not get foreign language hyphenation right.
hyphens: manual
I don’t have a button for this option. The last column has hyphens: manual
so you can compare it alongside the other columns. It only works with the soft hyphen character, which is a great opportunity for me to transition…
Columns two, three, and four use HTML to signal where to break words. The same CSS is applied to them as the first column, but you can see different impacts in these three columns.
The word break element, <wbr>
, tells a browser that where it sits is a perfectly fine place to break a word. If it wants.
It will not add hyphens. Probably reserve this for web page addresses, emails, code, or other places where transcription accuracy is critical.
Here is the position of all the <wbr>
s in the English word, the web address, and the email:
The soft hyphen isn’t really HTML, but you stuff it into your HTML page in order for it to work. While ­
is meant to work with hyphens: manual
, it does its job when you don’t set it at all.
Unlike <wbr>
, you should add ­
only where you know a word should break. You can compare the first and last columns of the demo to see where they mismatch. Probably don’t do it on words in a language you don’t know.
Here is the position of all the ­
s in the English word, the web address, and the email:
Other Bits
Rounding out the buttons in the demo.
CSS (and browsers) allow you to override the default character with hyphenate-character: <string>
. I include a field where you can provide you own string, but just for the lulz. Probably never do this unless you are a linguist or one is threatening you.
If you leave the field blank it will revert to auto
By default the columns are 6em
wide. You can change that to see other places the words may break. If you leave the field blank the columns revert to 6em
14 January 2025: You can define how many characters must be in a word for it to be hyphenated by using hyphenate-limit-chars
. The same property allows you to also specify how many letters must appear before and after the hyphen, else it will not be hyphenated. It takes between 1 and 3 values. As of this writing, only Chromium browsers support it.
If you leave the field blank it will revert to unset
in the CSS. The field will not appear unless you choose the “hyphens” button from the “CSS Properties” group.
Final Bits
My suggestions:
- Probably don’t add
without guidance from a copywriter. - Probably don’t add
to foreign words without a localization expert or at least a native speaker. - Probably don’t add
to URLs, email addresses, code blocks, and so on. - Probably restrict
to URLs, email addresses, code blocks, and similar words where technical accuracy is paramount. - Probably restrict
to before periods and dashes and maybe slashes in URLs and emails so it doesn’t look like the sentence or address has ended.
The demo is simply a demo. It exists solely to let you compare a few styling options and where they intersect with some HTML efforts. My breaks and hyphens are arbitrary. My non-English words are probably laughably wrong (especially where I put the ­
in the Hindi word). I use MDN links throughout, but I encourage you to go directly to the specs once you grok the more human-oriented MDN content.
Update: 14 January 2025
Tyler Sticka has a post, Justified Text: Better Than Expected?, where he talks about some improvements to CSS text justification. While we should never justify text, his experimentation showed me a property I had not tracked — hyphenate-limit-chars
I added a section on hyphenate-limit-chars
above and also updated my demo to include it so you can play. It only works in Chromium browsers so far.
Update: 15 January 2025
Richard Rutter has a 2019 post (updated in 2024), All you need to know about hyphenation in CSS, that goes into more and earlier detail about hyphenation this post does. While my post was mostly exploring current support and techniques for breaking words, his post goes into more detail about hyphenation in the context of typography. You know, the thing that actually makes content visually less awful to read.
He also commented below with a note on Safari prefixed properties.
As a german native speaker : It’s “Schifffahrt” (note the triple “f”), so it should be “Donaudampfschifffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän”.
Anyways, great article as usual!
In response to .And this comment made me notice that the text in the comment box overflows instead of breaking (at least on Firefox Android).
I am tempted to test if adding soft hyphens works/helps.
In response to .Thanks! I added the third f to all 8 instances in the demo. Without knowing where to put the
, I put it before the final third f in case.And to answer your question, since I let the comments boxes overflow with scrollbars instead of forcing word breaks, I am also curious how the word would break (it does not in your comment on Android Firefox, but should here since this nested comment is narrower).
: DonaudampfschifffahrtsgesellschaftskapitänWith
: Donaud ampf schiff fahrts ges ell schafts kap it än
Thanks for taking the time to write this (and for your initial suggestion). Very helpful! I still need a bit more time to work through and try and the different approaches. I expect applying some learning from your Under-Engineered Responsive Tables post will help us too.
In response to .I am glad this may be helpful. If you find some wonkiness in your own testing, please pop back here and let us know.
In response to .Just reporting back to say that I’ve used a few of these techniques and it’s working well in the browsers we’re targeting (Chrome and Edge).
Here’s what worked for us…
– Add
overflow-wrap: break-word;
– Addtable-layout: fixed;
(to make break-word work)
– Adding specific widths e.g.width:20%
to columns we know will have longer strings of user generated content
– Add­
to longer words in header cells to help them break nicelyThanks again!
In response to .I am glad you found an approach that works for you. Bear in mind that
is a blunt instrument (using a rocket to swat flies), so be sure to spot-check occasionally it and maybe check in with users who have dyslexia or don’t have English as their first language.
Thought I’d mention that Safari supports the legacy properties:
which you can use as a proxy for
.See test page and details of other hyphenation properties (which *used* to be supported in Edge before its move to Chromium).
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