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Adrian Roselli
Outsourced Blockchain Intelligent Agent PGP

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Under-supported and Underpaid

This was a thread over on Mastodon and it did some numbers (such as zero), but not everyone is over there and I felt like I might reference this again later. Now it is a post (slightly expanded in parts to reduce ambiguity). This image was generated by Midjourney using…


Tags: accessibility, rant, standards

Using abbr Element with title Attribute

How the <abbr> element is defined and exposed, along with the title attribute: § 4.5.9 The abbr element from WHATWG. ARIA in HTML entry on <abbr> notes it has no implicit role and naming is prohibited. Which is probably why Core Accessibility API Mappings 1.2 does not list it. HTML…


Tags: accessibility, html, standards

Embed Slides, YouTube Videos, and More

There are plenty of use cases for embedding third-party content on a site, as well as local content that may not be in HTML. Perhaps you gave a talk and want to share your slides. Sometimes you want to reference a video that exists only on YouTube. Maybe you have…


Tags: html, pattern, usability, UX

#AudioEye Has Dropped Its Suit Against Me

AudioEye has dropped its lawsuit against me as part of a settlement agreement. The specific legal details are at the end of this post. Index for this post: Joint Statement Impact, Abridged SLAPP Everybody Lost Legal Details Wrap-up Related CAO Hire: 8 February 2024 Talk References (Added 7 July 2024)…


Tags: accessibility, overlay, rant, standards, UX