a11yWeekTO Recap

The puppet shown during breaks warning attendees when the next session was starting, along with the text “ONE MINUTE”.

This year the a11yTO team put together its third conference, adding a day for the built environment (#a11yIRL) and another day for gaming (#a11yTOGaming), bringing the entire conference to four days. The collection of three conferences has been branded #a11yWeekTO.

Throughout the conference, attendees were incredibly positive about the venue, organization, speakers, and overall feel of the conference. A11yTOConf has quickly become the accessibility conference (or suite of conferences) to attend.

I have collected the schedule for each day below and added links to the presentation slides where I could find them. I will add more if I get them. Otherwise, most of the content of this post are my tweets over the four days.

I also made Twitter searches for any mention of any of the hashtags, for #a11yIRL, for #a11yTOConf, and for #a11yTOGaming. They are bounded by date and location, and should be sorted by date.

In Real Life: #a11yIRL

I did not tweet each talk at the first day, but I did capture some moments.

Conference: #a11yTOConf

The core of the week is the conference, which covers more than that just accessibility as a technical concept, but addresses inclusivity overall.

Day 1

HTML is accessible by default, right? by Scott O’Hara

fAuLT TEXT: The Modern Challenge Of Working With ALT TEXT by Henri Helvetica

Civil Rights or Shakedowns: Ethics of the Digital Accessibility Legal Space by Lainey Feingold

Accessibility for Content Creators by Caitlin Cashin

These aren’t the SCs you’re looking for… by Patrick Lauke

Being Human Together: the limits of accessible VR by Alastair Somerville

Screen Readers and CSS: Going Out of Style (and Into Content) by CB Averitt

The Inevitability of Accessibility by Natalie Patrice Tucker

Systems of Systems by Tatiana Mac

Speech Recognition Solutions by Eric Wright

Garbage Pail Components by Marcy Sutton

Day 2

Beyond Accessibility: Learning From The Disabled Community by Liz Davis

Adding Task-Oriented Walkthroughs To Your Toolkit by Sarah Pulis & Andrew Arch

Accessibility & Procurement — Where It All Goes Wrong! by Mike Gifford

The Quest For Peace As A Disabled Games Accessibility Specialist (plain text) by Cherry Thompson

Accessibility Is A Hydra by EJ Mason

Cognitive Dark Patterns & Dragons by Shell Little

Dimensions: Community Tools For Nonvisual Access To Spatial Information by Chancey Fleet

JavaScript And Accessibility: An Unconventional Romance by Lindsey Kopacz

Unconventional Tech For Users With Divergent Abilities by Javed Gangjee

A Sustainability Based Approach To Accessibility — Why We Need To Treat Exclusion Like Pollution by Neil Milliken

Designing Accessibility Education In Organizations by Devon Persing

Value by Derek Featherstone


Gaming: #a11yTOGaming

The New Normal by Ian Hamilton

Finding The Sweet Spot Between Bored And Overwhelmed by Shell Little

Old School — Gaming And Aging by Earl Cousins

You Got This, Happy Accidents Count And Other Accessibility Pep Talks (plain text) by Cherry Thompson

HyperDotA11y: How An Itty Bitty Indie Game Does Flexibility Research by Holly Harrison

The State Of Subtitles by Jennifer Stienstra

Course Corrections: Shepherding Accessible Design Through The Development Process by Douglas Gregory

Open Source Adaptive Gaming Controllers by Stewart Russell

Beyond The Code: Accessibility Of Language, Tone, Culture, And Concept by Littlenavi

Time For Some Action! Fractions Of Friction by Bryce Johnson


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