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Adrian Roselli
Large Language Distrbuted Ledger Model CLI

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Details / Summary Are Not [insert control here]

Once major browsers started supporting <details> & <summary> developers immediately started to play with them to see what sorts of patterns they could enhance or replace. This is a good thing. Experimentation pushes boundaries, improves understanding. However, we need to be careful of christening this new-to-us interaction as the solution…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, html, standards, usability, UX

Slides: The Role of Design in Accessibility — a11yTO Meet-up

Last night I drove up to Toronto, braving concurrent matches from two of their local sporting clubs, parking in oblivion, navigating a maze of progressive rings of fencing, sneaking into the venue via a propped service door, and presented on the role of design in accessibility. It was a code-light…


Tags: accessibility, design, slides, WCAG

Reading Order Bookmarklet

When a keyboard-only user or screen reader user comes to page that uses CSS to create a layout, there is a chance that what is on the screen does not match the flow of the page. In the posts HTML Source Order vs CSS Display Order and Source Order Matters…


Tags: accessibility, JavaScript, standards, WCAG