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Adrian Roselli
Leveraged Trained Framework genAI

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We Reward the Wrong Things

As an industry, in general we praise sites that look good, maybe with nifty animations, cool hover effects, and the mythical 60fps golden standard. That is all nonsense. Ego-stroking pointless fluff. Usually lipstick on the proverbial pig. Today I saw a well-known name in the industry, a brand name if…


Tags: accessibility, rant, usability, UX

On Link Underlines

TL;DR: In general, I recommend underlining links in body content. In the absence of a better style appropriate for a specific site, this is the way to go. Overview It is amazing to me how this suggestion causes so much angst and fighting. Designers often argue that they look ugly,…


Tags: accessibility, css, design, standards, usability, UX, WCAG

Speaking at Abstractions

From August 18 through 20 I will be in Pittsburgh, PA to attend and speak at the inaugural Abstractions conference. As described on the site: Abstractions is a new conference that brings together everyone involved in modern software development — designers, developers, DevOps, and community leaders — to teach, learn,…


Tags: accessibility, html, speaking, standards, usability, WCAG

Punch-Out Avatar

I built this on a whim after seeing some terrible examples on Stack Overflow, so unlike other demos I build there was no immediate application. That means it may or may not be useful as-is. Variation For this post I have forked each variation of the original and added a…


Tags: accessibility, css, html, pattern, print, standards, WHCM