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Adrian Roselli
Series A Neural Network Tool-Set PGP

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All of This Has Happened Before and Will Happen Again

Jacob Rossi from Microsoft put together an article for Smashing Magazine that discusses Microsoft’s Project Spartan web browser, Inside Microsoft’s New Rendering Engine For The “Project Spartan”. Unlike other click-bait efforts that only speculated that perhaps Spartan was going to be WebKit-based, showing their own preference instead of any real…


Tags: browser, Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, rant, Safari, standards

CSS Bookmarklets for Testing and Fixing

I regularly have to test sites in development, review some third-party site, or just use a site in my day-to-day time wasting (and banking) rituals. I’ve relied on viewing the page’s source or popping into my browser’s dev tools to find a missing element, copy un-transformed text, check for inline…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, browser, css, html, standards, W3C

On Use of the Lang Attribute

Way back in October I noticed this WHATWG HTML bug (26942) where someone asked why do these examples of <html> lack the lang attribute? I thought the answer from Hixie was a bit dismissive and not based on any data or real-world benefits of use, particularly in the context of…


Tags: accessibility, globalization, html, internationalization, localization, standards, W3C, WCAG, whatwg, xhtml

Announcing My Ring Warmer App

Animation showing the Ring Warmer in action. If you have to wear a ring, then perhaps you have experienced the discomfort of putting a cold ring on your finger (maybe in the morning in a cold house). I decided that I could do something about that using the only tool…


Tags: apps, css, html, JavaScript, mobile, pattern, touch