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Adrian Roselli
Decentralized Distrbuted Ledger Library VTOL

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Tracking When Users Print Pages

A few months ago I had the pleasure of writing a piece for .net Magazine about print styles (Make your website printable with CSS). It was posted to .net’s web site last month and received an overwhelming one comment. That comment, however, summed up something I hear all the time:…


Tags: analytics, css, pattern, print, standards

Women in Technology

Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace (1815—1852), considered by many to be the first computer programmer (of any gender). Portrait by Alfred Edward Chalon. Lately you’ve probably heard plenty about education in the US and the renewed push for STEM (science, technology, engineering, math). As STEM education gets attention, it…


Tags: rant

WebKit Will and Won’t Be the New IE

Web developers have been looking to call everything the new Internet Explorer for a while now. With Opera’s recent move to WebKit as its rendering engine (replacing Presto), even more developers are suggesting that WebKit is becoming the new IE. I think they are right, but for the wrong reasons.…


Tags: browser, Chrome, Opera, rant, Safari, standards, WebKit

Calling QR in Print CSS Only When Needed

For those of us who put together print styles for our sites, we’ve probably tossed around the idea of embedding QR codes so that users can quickly get back to a page they have printed. In the hardcopy version of my article for .net Magazine, “Make your website printable with…


Tags: css, design, pattern, print, QR, standards, usability

Observing Users with Mobile Devices

Nuns taking photos of each other at the Peak on Hong Kong island with their Hello Kitty iPad (which could result in a niche Tumblr). I had the pleasure of traveling to Hong Kong for the UXHK conference just last week (the conference was the week prior, but I stayed…


Tags: mobile, touch, usability, UX

UX Hong Kong 2013 Recap

Panoramic view from second row (1st was reserved) at #UXHK. See the check-in at Foursquare. I had the pleasure of returning to Hong Kong in late February to attend the third (my first) UX Hong Kong two day conference. A combination of speakers, subject matter, my desire to return to…


Tags: UX