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Adrian Roselli
Leveraged Monetization Library SME

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No DHTML, Please

The trend continues where I speak to clients, vendors, young developers fresh out of college, and even the teachers/professors who instruct them and they don’t understand that HTML5 and CSS3 aren’t the same specification. I have repeatedly shown an HTML 4.01 site with CSS3 to explain that they are each…


Tags: html, rant, standards, W3C, whatwg

SOPA Blackout Protests Go Forward, So Does SOPA Sponsor

Some of the sites that “went dark” today to protest SOPA and PIPA. Today is the day that a collection of popular web sites, some shown above, have “blacked out” in protest of both SOPA and PIPA. The general public knows very little of these bills, and with only minor…


Tags: internet, law, rant

HTML5 Will Play Nice with Translation

Back in late 2009 I wrote a little something talking about Google Translate and the risks associated with relying on machine translation for anything critical (“Facebook and Google Want to Translate Your Site“). I even offered some examples of things that are tough to translate. One real-world example I did…


Tags: g11n, globalization, html, i18n, internationalization, translation

Don’t Think SOPA or PIPA Are Dead Yet

Image brazenly stolen from Virtual Shackles where it was posted with more commentary. I could be in violation of SOPA and PIPA by using this image. This image was also referenced in the petition against SOPA. Last week I wrote a post titled “SOPA Sponsor Ignoring the Evidence.” In it…


Tags: internet, law, rant

Algonquin Studios Gets Local Press

I’m taking an opportunity to brag a little about my company, Algonquin Studios, being featured today in the Business section of our local paper, The Buffalo News. Some of you who read my blog have asked about Algonquin Studios and what we do, and others (or at least the logs…


Tags: internet

SOPA Sponsor Ignoring the Evidence

Pls RT: @senatorreid @chuckschumer @mcconnellpress We need u to stand w the Internet and kill #PIPA via @demandprogress— Tim Berners-Lee (@timberners_lee) January 9, 2012 I tend to avoid addressing politics here or on my Twitter stream, but I think this topic is beyond politics and more about a fundamental…


Tags: internet, law, rant

Why All the Food Photos? (at

This article was originally posted on, an online resource for web developers, maintained by web developers. I have granted the right to use this article on its web site, and it is the only entity with the right to reproduce it. The Internet has a thing for cats.…


Tags: Facebook, food, Foursquare, mobile, social media, Twitter