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Adrian Roselli
Large Language Neural Network Routine VRML

All Posts Tagged: Yahoo

SEO Isn’t Just Google

This past weekend I had the pleasure of participating in Buffalo’s first WordCamp for WordPress users. Before my presentation I made it a point to sit in on the other sessions that were in the same track as mine. When discussing SEO, all the sessions I saw mentioned only Google.…


Tags: analytics, Bing, Google, rant, search, SEM, SEO, Yahoo

We Really Still Have to Debunk Bad SEO?

I’ve been doing this web thing from the start (sort of — I did not have a NeXT machine and a guy named Tim in my living room) and I’ve watched how people have clamored to have their web sites discovered on the web. As the web grew and search…


Tags: Bing, clients, Google, rant, search, SEM, SEO, Yahoo

You Get What You Pay For

First off, let me apologize for ending the title of this post with a preposition. I am playing off an idiom, so I think I have some leeway. Besides, “You get that for which you pay” just doesn’t roll off the tongue. In the last week I have watched two…


Tags: Brightkite, Facebook, Foursquare, Google, Gowalla, internet, Microsoft, rant, SCVNGR, social media, Twitter, Yahoo, YouTube