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Adrian Roselli
Pre-trained Generative Process sFTP

All Posts Tagged: Twitter

You Get What You Pay For

First off, let me apologize for ending the title of this post with a preposition. I am playing off an idiom, so I think I have some leeway. Besides, “You get that for which you pay” just doesn’t roll off the tongue. In the last week I have watched two…


Tags: Brightkite, Facebook, Foursquare, Google, Gowalla, internet, Microsoft, rant, SCVNGR, social media, Twitter, Yahoo, YouTube

Brightkite Yields to Foursquare, Gowalla, Etc.

Brighkite has made an announcement today that affects me and a handful of other people (not counting all the people on Facebook whose timelines I inadvertently spam): Brightkite is dropping check-ins, posts and streams. Brightkite started 3 years ago with a Twitter-like ability to share your random musings. However, it…


Tags: Brightkite, Facebook, Foursquare, geolocation, Gowalla, mobile, SCVNGR, social media, Twitter

Current Internet Use, from Assorted Sources

Today Opera Software released data about how users of its Opera Mini mobile web browser use the web. Opera does this periodically to give some insight into how its users may be surfing, but what we don’t know is how much Opera Mini users correspond to the web in general.…


Tags: browser, internet, mobile, Opera, social media, Twitter, YouTube

Thanksgiving and Social Media, Redux

I finally get to eat. Two years ago I hosted Thanksgiving dinner in my shoebox of a house and managed to pull it off without setting anyone on fire. Back then, my experience with social media was limited and my favorite social media tool was Brightkite. In addition to a…


Tags: Brightkite, Facebook, food, Foursquare, Gowalla, social media, Twitter

Twitter’s Big Change

Twitter has started rolling out its new web interface to users. You may wonder why this is such a big deal, but according to Twitter, 78% of Twitter users access the service through the web site, making it the perfect place to go about reinventing itself. While there are a…


Tags: social media, Twitter

Social Media Day in Buffalo #smdayBUF

Back in early June, the web site Mashable, known for reporting on all sorts of things related to social media among its other topics, posted an idea for creating a worldwide social media day (Join Mashable in Celebrating Social Media Day). They quickly mobilized some major cities for an event,…


Tags: Brightkite, Facebook, Foursquare, Gowalla, social media, Twitter

Twitter Pushes into Places

Earlier this week Twitter announced Twitter Places, allowing users to associate tweets with specific places, not just latitude/longitude or data pushed in from other services (Twitter Places: More Context For Your Tweets). Up until this announcement, you could associate a tweet with a specific place by pushing a location with…


Tags: geolocation, social media, Twitter

Library of Congress Archives Tweets

To quote the Library of Congress, or at least its first tweet and second tweet announcement (follow it at @librarycongress):Library to acquire ENTIRE Twitter archive — ALL public tweets, ever, since March 2006! Details to follow.Library acquires ENTIRE Twitter archive. ALL tweets. More info here is old news to…


Tags: social media, Twitter

Don’t Let Social Media Get You Robbed (or Stalked)

If you are one of the millions of people using social media to report where you are, you may have been tuned in to all the buzz lately about the site Please Rob Me. The concept is very simple, when you use applications like Gowalla, Foursquare, Brighkite, Loopt or anything…


Tags: Brightkite, Facebook, Foursquare, geolocation, privacy, rant, social media, Twitter

Article: Lots of Twitter Followers Guarantees… Nothing

This article was originally posted on, an online resource for web developers, maintained by web developers. I have granted the right to use this article on their web site, and they are the only entity with the right to reproduce it. Anil Dash posted a story called Life…


Tags: rant, social media, Twitter

Enjoying Thanksgiving with Social Media

A lot can be said about the value of social media, with arguments for real business value or ways to stay connected with friends and family or even that most of it is just egocentric drivel. As one of the purveyors of egocentric drivel in my Twitter stream, I can…


Tags: Brightkite, food, Foursquare, social media, Twitter

Bing and Google Add Social Search

Google and Bing have been locked in a struggle recently for search engine dominance. Bing came out of the gates fast and gained a lot of market share, but has appeared to level off recently (another link, and another link). Neither of them wants to lose any ground. Factor in…


Tags: Bing, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, social media, Twitter