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Adrian Roselli
Containerized Blockchain Routine VRML

All Posts Tagged: SVG

Maybe Don’t Use Flow Charts on GitHub

In February the GitHub blog announced users would be able to Include diagrams in your Markdown files with Mermaid. I thought this was nifty, and even noticed on an initial scan that they considered screen reader users. Until I read this (since deleted): …clients requesting content with embedded Mermaid in…


Tags: accessibility, html, SVG

iPad Retina Display Concerns and Tips

TL;DR The iPad 3 retina display means a lot of apps and web sites are going to feel pressure for sharper (bigger) images. Knowing if you need to scale your images, the impact on end users and some ways to mitigate that impact is the right way to approach this.…


Tags: Apple, apps, css, design, mobile, SVG, UX, W3C

Don’t Let HTML5 Become the New DHTML

This photo represents some of the technologies (pint glasses) that HTML5 (t-shirt) is thought to encompass (drink). The horror of that concept is represented by the hands (defensive wounds coming).I had the pleasure of sharing some pints with Bruce Lawson and Chris Mills last week in London. While discussing what…


Tags: css, Flash, fonts, html, JavaScript, mobile, rant, RSS, standards, SVG, video, W3C, whatwg, WOFF

Google Doodle: Bouncy Balls Aren’t HTML5

When Google changes its logo in honor of a holiday, someone’s birthday, or just for the heck of it, it sometimes gets some chatter. When Google created the Pac-Man logo, articles appeared of people trying to figure out how it worked, or commenting on tech support calls within organizations from…


Tags: browser, css, Google, html, rant, standards, SVG, W3C, whatwg

SVG Progress Bar Contest

Thanks to the W3C Twitter feed, I discovered a W3C blog post about an SVG contest, “No Bit, Sherlock.” While the W3C may be pushing the contest, they aren’t the sponsors. The contest is produced by Web Directions, an organization founded by John Allsop and Maxine Sherrin to create web…


Tags: Internet Explorer, SVG, W3C