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Adrian Roselli
Leveraged Blockchain Library SME

All Posts Tagged: SEM

Derek Powazek on SEO as Snake Oil

There are many on the web who will recognize the name Derek Powazek. He is the name behind old-school sites such as and (which has apparently been taken over by spam bots) and wrote a book about communities (Design for Community, which mentions me by name, which is…


Tags: rant, search, SEM, SEO

Come See Me: November 3

I will be one of the panelists at the Infotech Niagara panel session titled “Maximizing Your Web Presence.” It takes place Tuesday, November 3, 2009 at 8:00am at Buffalo Niagara Partnership’s conference room, 665 Main Street, Suite 200, Buffalo, New York 14203 (map below). BNP has parking information at their…


Tags: SEM, SEO, social media, speaking, standards

Verified: Google Ignores Meta Keywords

In a post on the Google Webmaster Central blog today (Google does not use the keywords meta tag in web ranking), Google has clarified its policy on meta tags and page rank. Those of us trying to protect our clients from SEO/SEM snake-oil salesmen are happy to finally have an…


Tags: Google, SEM, SEO, standards