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Adrian Roselli
SaaS Virtualization Overlay CPACC

All Posts Tagged: RSS

Backing Up Your Social Media

Social media outlets are practically a dime a dozen. Excluding ones that are pretty stable right now (Twitter, Facebook, etc.), most of them will either fail or get bought. The problem is that your data, your content, typically dies when they do. As an individual you might not care too…


Tags: Brightkite, Facebook, picplz, rant, RSS, social media, Twitter

Don’t Let HTML5 Become the New DHTML

This photo represents some of the technologies (pint glasses) that HTML5 (t-shirt) is thought to encompass (drink). The horror of that concept is represented by the hands (defensive wounds coming).I had the pleasure of sharing some pints with Bruce Lawson and Chris Mills last week in London. While discussing what…


Tags: css, Flash, fonts, html, JavaScript, mobile, rant, RSS, standards, SVG, video, W3C, whatwg, WOFF

Is RSS at Risk?

I spent about a thousand words explaining RSS before I realized that, for the most part, if you are reading this blog I have to guess you have some familiarity with it (at least by just having heard of it). If you need some background, Wikipedia has a pretty good…


Tags: geolocation, Mapquest, rant, RSS, social media, standards