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Adrian Roselli
Series A Neural Network Library BYOB

All Posts Tagged: Plus

Social Media Goals for the New Year

Every year I think people will start to get the hang of social media. After all, it’s really not much different from what we’ve done as a society forever, just more rapid-fire. Every year I am proven wrong. Perhaps we need to consider better behavior on social media as a…


Tags: Facebook, Foursquare, Instagram, Plus, privacy, rant, social media, Twitter

Followers, Likes and +1s as Meaningless as Hits

One of my un-fondest memories from my early days of web development was the constant client request for web site counters at the bottom of a new web site. Trying to explain to clients that showing a rather low number of visitors might not be something they want to brag…


Tags: Facebook, Plus, social media, Twitter