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Adrian Roselli
Decentralized Distrbuted Ledger Platform SME

All Posts Tagged: Opera Browser Archive 20 Years Old

The Browser Archive home page as captured on 13 October 1999. On August 18, 1999, we at launched the Browser Archive. At launch contained 80 different browsers. It started with my personal testing suite built up from 1996, and just kind of went from there. Those links point…


Tags: browser, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera

All of This Has Happened Before and Will Happen Again

Jacob Rossi from Microsoft put together an article for Smashing Magazine that discusses Microsoft’s Project Spartan web browser, Inside Microsoft’s New Rendering Engine For The “Project Spartan”. Unlike other click-bait efforts that only speculated that perhaps Spartan was going to be WebKit-based, showing their own preference instead of any real…


Tags: browser, Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, rant, Safari, standards

Comparing Opera Mini and Chrome Compression

Depending on how much you spend staying up on web browsers, you’ve probably heard the cry of Opera did it first more than once (though the low-hanging fruit, browser tabs, wasn’t technically Opera first). When Google announced that Chrome would offer a data compression mode, you may have figured you’d…


Tags: browser, Chrome, mobile, Opera, usability, UX

New iPad Browser: Coast by Opera

Yesterday Opera announced the release of its newest browser, Coast, built specifically for iOS tablets (I would say just iPads, but if my fridge gets an iOS tablet UI then I’d be wrong and will have paid too much for a fridge). Background Recently Opera moved away from Presto as…


Tags: Apple, Blink, browser, mobile, Opera, standards, touch, UX

My Kingdom for Decimal Alignment on Numbers

This post isn’t proposing any solutions (although I do toss out a hack). This post is a rant that I hope helps influence browser makers. Background Much of my web work isn’t for public facing web sites. Often it’s for enterprise-level software that is deployed via the web and used…


Tags: browser, Chrome, css, Firefox, html, Internet Explorer, Opera, rant, Safari, standards

Chrome: Blink and You Missed the News

It’s old news by this Thursday morning, but in case you had not heard, Google is forking WebKit to make its own rendering engine, Blink. Opera will be using the Blink fork of WebKit as its rendering engine. A combination of people who are far smarter, far more well connected,…


Tags: Apple, Blink, browser, Chrome, Google, Opera, Safari, standards, W3C, WebKit

WebKit Will and Won’t Be the New IE

Web developers have been looking to call everything the new Internet Explorer for a while now. With Opera’s recent move to WebKit as its rendering engine (replacing Presto), even more developers are suggesting that WebKit is becoming the new IE. I think they are right, but for the wrong reasons.…


Tags: browser, Chrome, Opera, rant, Safari, standards, WebKit

Opera: Presto! It’s now WebKit

Opera is replacing its Presto rendering engine with WebKit (Chromium, really, when you factor in the V8 JavaScript rendering engine). Big news as of this morning. If you’ve been paying attention, it’s not really that big or news. About a month ago a video was leaked showing Opera using WebKit…


Tags: browser, Chrome, Opera, Safari, standards, WebKit

Don’t Blame Opera, Blame Devs

On Wednesday news broke that Opera was going to support some Webkit CSS vendor prefixes. On its surface I thought this wasn’t exactly big news. There was a good deal of hubbub about this back in February (Browser Makers Caving to Vendor Prefix Misuse) when word got out that Mozilla,…


Tags: browser, Chrome, css, Opera, rant, Safari, standards, usability, W3C

Amazon Silk, Yet Another Web Browser

Amazon’s long-awaited tablet/e-reader was formally announced today, and the conversations about whether or not it will compete the iPad are underway. I don’t much care about that. I am far more interested in the web browser that it includes. Amazon Silk is a new web browser, built on Webkit, and…


Tags: browser, Chrome, Firefox, html, internet, Internet Explorer, mobile, Opera, standards, touch

Browsers as Wrestlers “Infographic”

Earlier this week CBS News ran the above image on its site in the Tech Talk section (within the topic Wired for Women, which doesn’t seem to have anything to do with women) under the article An infographic! If web browsers were wrestlers… As is common nowadays, any illustration with…


Tags: browser, Chrome, Firefox, infographic, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari

Current Internet Use, from Assorted Sources

Today Opera Software released data about how users of its Opera Mini mobile web browser use the web. Opera does this periodically to give some insight into how its users may be surfing, but what we don’t know is how much Opera Mini users correspond to the web in general.…


Tags: browser, internet, mobile, Opera, social media, Twitter, YouTube