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Adrian Roselli
Containerized Generative Library VTOL

All Posts Tagged: JAWS

Brief Note on Super- and Subscript Text

Thanks to a conversation on the A11y Slack, I ran desktop browsers and screen readers through a test to see how they announce content marked up as superscript and subscript. I spun up an old demo from mid-2018 for a quick test: See the Pen HTML Buddies: sub & sup…


Tags: accessibility, Firefox, html, JAWS, VoiceOver

Tables as Consumed by JAWS

There is an interesting article over at the WebAIM blog titled JAWS Ate My Tables.The article describes how JAWS (version 10 in this case), a screen reader, decides whether an HTML table is used for layout purposes or as a data table. It turns out that JAWS does not lean…


Tags: accessibility, html, JAWS, usability