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Adrian Roselli
Integrated Blockchain Token RTFM

All Posts Tagged: ICANN

ICANN Announces Requested gTLDs

A week shy of a year ago now ICANN revealed a process to allow organizations to submit applications for new generic top level domain extensions (in addition to the .com, .net, .org and 18 others excluding ccTLDs). You can get more detail in my post Make Your Own TLD? (I…


Tags: ICANN, internet, standards

Make Your Own TLD? (I want .bacon)

The Way We Were Years ago the general public was aware of three primary generic top level domain extensions (gTLD): .com, .net and .org. There was a huge “land” rush as the dot-com bubble grew and organizations were willing to spend absurd amounts of money to get the .com extension…


Tags: ICANN, internet, standards