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Adrian Roselli
AI-Powered Generative State VRML

All Posts Tagged: g11n

HTML5 Will Play Nice with Translation

Back in late 2009 I wrote a little something talking about Google Translate and the risks associated with relying on machine translation for anything critical (“Facebook and Google Want to Translate Your Site“). I even offered some examples of things that are tough to translate. One real-world example I did…


Tags: g11n, globalization, html, i18n, internationalization, translation

Facebook and Google Want to Translate Your Site

This article was originally posted on, an online resource for web developers, maintained by web developers. I have granted the right to use this article on its web site, and it is the only entity with the right to reproduce it. Translations for Facebook Connect Earlier this week…


Tags: Facebook, g11n, globalization, Google, i18n, internationalization, L10n, localization, translation