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Adrian Roselli
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All Posts Tagged: browser

IE9 Beta Coming, But Microsoft Just Wants You to Dump IE6

We’re a week away from Microsoft’s beta release of Internet Explorer 9 (public beta, not just a preview release aimed at developers). This release promises extensive support for another “beta” standard, the incomplete HTML5 specification. IE9 is also supposed to come with broader CSS3 support, SVG support, and even embedded…


Tags: browser, Internet Explorer, Microsoft, standards

Google Doodle: Bouncy Balls Aren’t HTML5

When Google changes its logo in honor of a holiday, someone’s birthday, or just for the heck of it, it sometimes gets some chatter. When Google created the Pac-Man logo, articles appeared of people trying to figure out how it worked, or commenting on tech support calls within organizations from…


Tags: browser, css, Google, html, rant, standards, SVG, W3C, whatwg

Trying Google Font Previewer

I’m going to make the assumption that if you are reading this you have at least a passing interest in typography on the web and have heard about Google’s new font preview tool. There are already plenty of articles talking about how easy it is, how Google hosts the typefaces,…


Tags: browser, Chrome, css, design, Firefox, fonts, Google, html, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari, standards, typefaces, WOFF

Working Around CSS3 Hacks

Until CSS3 is a final specification, we can expect to see browser makers attempting to implement some of the ideas on their own, sometimes with a nod to the forthcoming spec and sometimes without a clear correlation. Given the pressure for browser makers to claim support for a CSS3 feature…


Tags: browser, css, standards, W3C

Does Your Browser Really Support HTML5 and CSS3?

I like reading rants. And by rants, I mean well-thought, researched, articulate arguments that are the result of a festering pool of frustration finally shooting out and being channeled into something constructive. Not the rants you might find on bathroom stalls. Thanks to the Twitters I came across a blog…


Tags: accessibility, browser, Chrome, css, Firefox, html, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari, standards, W3C, whatwg

W3C Browser and Accessibility News Bits

Three bits of news from the W3C this week related to browsers and accessibility. Well, two about browsers and two about accessibility with one of them acting as my cross-over reference.The User Agent Accessibility Guidelines Working Group has published an updated Working Draft of the User Agent Accessibility Guidelines (UAAG)…


Tags: accessibility, browser, standards, W3C, WAI, WCAG

Luke Wroblewski on Mobile First

Dan Benjamin and Jeffrey Zeldman interview Luke Wroblewski about the evolving nature of the web as mobile devices start to dominate the stats of some sites (5 by 5: Episode 6: Mobile First, 51:37). They bounce around discussing issues from design to technology while Luke peppers the conversation with statistics…


Tags: browser, design, mobile, standards, touch, usability, UX

Smokescreen Brings Flash to iPad, iPhone

Smokescreen – iPad demo #1 from Chris @ RevShockAds on Vimeo.Now that it’s clear that Apple has no intention of letting Adobe Flash run on the iPad or iPhone, workarounds for Flash are even more compelling to developers. Smokescreen, primarily by Chris Smoak, bypasses the need for the Flash plug-in…


Tags: Adobe, Apple, browser, Flash, html, mobile

More Salvos from Apple and Adobe, to No One in Particular

I was out of the country when Steve Jobs posted his open letter on Flash to the Apple web site. Had I been around I would have dissected it. Today Adobe published its own open letter(s) about how great Flash is, why open markets are good, and even an ad…


Tags: Adobe, Apple, browser, Flash, html, mobile, rant, Safari, usability, W3C, whatwg

Firefox 4: Planned Features

Mike Beltzner, Mozilla’s Director of Firefox, yesterday presented an early product plan for Firefox 4 to the Mozilla community. He followed up with a blog post outlining the presentation and linking to some resources. He is careful to regularly state in his post and throughout his slide presentation that these…


Tags: browser, Firefox, html

State of Web Dev Survey Results

Scroll Magazine, John Allsopp and Web Directions conferences all got together and ran the State of Web Development 2010 survey to gather information from developers on what technologies, techniques, philosophies and practices they use. The survey results gather the answers to 50+ questions and present them in a few different…


Tags: browser, css, html, internet, standards, xhtml

Opera and Chrome on the Rise

Opera reported on Tuesday that it has exceeded 100 million users. This is split between 50 million desktop users and 50 million mobile users. This doesn’t count users on game consoles, connected TVs and set-top boxes, many of which also run Opera. Opera owes part of this growth to the…


Tags: browser, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera