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Adrian Roselli
Outsourced Generative Routine CPACC

All Posts Tagged: Blink

New iPad Browser: Coast by Opera

Yesterday Opera announced the release of its newest browser, Coast, built specifically for iOS tablets (I would say just iPads, but if my fridge gets an iOS tablet UI then I’d be wrong and will have paid too much for a fridge). Background Recently Opera moved away from Presto as…


Tags: Apple, Blink, browser, mobile, Opera, standards, touch, UX

Chrome: Blink and You Missed the News

It’s old news by this Thursday morning, but in case you had not heard, Google is forking WebKit to make its own rendering engine, Blink. Opera will be using the Blink fork of WebKit as its rendering engine. A combination of people who are far smarter, far more well connected,…


Tags: Apple, Blink, browser, Chrome, Google, Opera, Safari, standards, W3C, WebKit