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Adrian Roselli
Large Language Monetization Intelligent Agent BYOB

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“Myth of Usability Testing” at ALA

There is a very good article over at A List Apart today titled “The Myth of Usability Testing.” The article starts off with an example of how multiple usability evaluation teams, given the same task and allowed to run at it as they saw fit, had far less overlap in…


Tags: design, usability, UX

Current CSS3, HTML5 Support

The ToolLast week saw the launch of, a very handy web site that displays a user’s current IP address (along with a geographic breakdown to city, if possible), user agent string (browser, version and operating system) and support for CSS3 and HTML5 (read the article about it). It accomplishes…


Tags: browser, Chrome, css, Firefox, html, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari, standards

Personas in Comic Format

For developers, and clients, struggling with the concept of personas, there is a very easy to read primer in the form of a comic over at the ThinkVitamin blog in an article titled “How to Understand Your Users with Personas.”The concept of personas was first introduced in the book The…


Tags: design, usability

Browser Performance Chart

Jacob Gube has posted a handy chart over at Six Revisions titled “Performance Comparison of Major Web Browsers.” He tests the current versions of five browsers:Mozilla Firefox 3.5Google Chrome 3.0Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0Opera 10.0Apple Safari 4.0In his tests he used the following performance indicators, tested three times each with an…


Tags: browser, Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari

Developer Discusses Dyslexia and Dyscalculia

Sabrina Dent, a web designer hailing from Ireland, has blogged about her struggle with dyslexia and dyscalculia and web applications today in the post, “Dyslexia, Dyscalculia and Design“. For some context, she links to the Wikipedia article on dyscalculia and highlights the bits that apply to her:An inability to read…


Tags: accessibility, design, usability, UX

Derek Powazek on SEO as Snake Oil

There are many on the web who will recognize the name Derek Powazek. He is the name behind old-school sites such as and (which has apparently been taken over by spam bots) and wrote a book about communities (Design for Community, which mentions me by name, which is…


Tags: rant, search, SEM, SEO

Come See Me: November 3

I will be one of the panelists at the Infotech Niagara panel session titled “Maximizing Your Web Presence.” It takes place Tuesday, November 3, 2009 at 8:00am at Buffalo Niagara Partnership’s conference room, 665 Main Street, Suite 200, Buffalo, New York 14203 (map below). BNP has parking information at their…


Tags: SEM, SEO, social media, speaking, standards

Wait – GeoCities Still Exists?

October 26, 2009 marks the end of an era. GeoCities, the much-maligned free hosting service offered since way back in the early days of the web, is closing down. Like Abe Vigoda, there are many who already thought it had long since fizzled out. Dating back to 1995, GeoCities provided…


October 6 Panel Follow-up

For those of you who attended the Business First Power Breakfast: Online Networks this past Tuesday, October 6 and have reached out to me to offer feedback and ask questions, thanks for your interest and thanks for coming. I was thrilled to see a room full of keenly interested attendees.Based…


Tags: social media, speaking

Social Media Revolution Video

If you attended the Business First Power Breakfast: Online Networks event this morning where I was a panelist, then you saw the Social Media Revolution video at the beginning and end of the panel. In case you didn’t catch the address or title, here’s the video.If you were at the…


Tags: social media, speaking

List of URL Shorteners Grows Shortener

One of the many URL shorteners has announced that it is shutting down in just under three weeks. has announced, via its blog, that it will no longer accept new URLs to be shortened as of October 25. It will also stop logging analytics. will still forward URLs…


Tags: internet, social media, standards

Facebook and Google Want to Translate Your Site

This article was originally posted on, an online resource for web developers, maintained by web developers. I have granted the right to use this article on its web site, and it is the only entity with the right to reproduce it. Translations for Facebook Connect Earlier this week…


Tags: Facebook, g11n, globalization, Google, i18n, internationalization, L10n, localization, translation