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#LocalRestWeek Two bowls of tom kha (coconut milk) soup, one with beef, one with dessicated hippie bits.

#LocalRestWeek Two bowls of tom kha (coconut milk) soup, one with beef, one with dessicated hippie bits.
This pic was taken with an Android phone on April 2, 2011.
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More photos by aardrian
  • The smell rekindled memories long gone. I am home. And geeking out.
  • Squee!
  • #LocalRestWeek Two bowls of tom kha (coconut milk) soup, one with beef, one with dessicated hippie bits.
  • #LocalRestWeek Peanut King w/ pork (foreground); Street Noodles w/ hippie chunks (background)
  • Fried banana, honey with vanilla ice cream (not part of rest. week special).
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