On July 3, 2012, picplz will shut down permanently and all photos and data will be deleted.

Hey @FastCoDesign, your browser sniffer kinda sucks. Don't know how Opera can't be supported, works fine on site.

Hey @FastCoDesign, your browser sniffer kinda sucks. Don't know how Opera can't be supported, works fine on site.
This pic was taken with an Android phone on March 20, 2012.
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  • Spending post St Pat's day evening with a half and half of Guinness stout and Harp lager.
  • Hey @FastCoDesign, your browser sniffer kinda sucks. Don't know how Opera can't be supported, works fine on site.
  • My daffodils, which never bloomed last year, opened on this first day of spring this year.
  • I'm an adult. I can have ice cream for dinner.
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