On July 3, 2012, picplz will shut down permanently and all photos and data will be deleted.

I should have followed instructions on this @bevcoasters promo instead of going by the picture.

I should have followed instructions on this @bevcoasters promo instead of going by the picture.
maadler It's great when you have plenty of places available to put a mustache!
1 year ago
aardrian I held off from posting photos of other locations...
1 year ago
This pic was taken with a on June 20, 2011.
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More photos by aardrian
  • Fresh spiced blueberries on ice cream, sheet cake, watermelon.
  • Steak, pasta, bread, awesome salad (not a pile of iceberg).
  • I should have followed instructions on this @bevcoasters promo instead of going by the picture.
  • Chocolate ice cream to herald the start of summer.
  • Taking in the shade and fountain, calming myself...
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