On July 3, 2012, picplz will shut down permanently and all photos and data will be deleted.

Brie, crostini, honey, berries; campari on the rocks (in the Craftsman Lounge).

Brie, crostini, honey, berries; campari on the rocks (in the Craftsman Lounge).
This pic was taken with an Android phone on October 23, 2011.
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More photos by aardrian
  • Roycroft weekend events, ideal for #PresConf attendees.
  • Pumpkin pie latte, raspberry cobbler, tiramisu French toast.
  • Brie, crostini, honey, berries; campari on the rocks (in the Craftsman Lounge).
  • Strawberries stuffed with goat cheese, pancetta, drizzled with balsamic.
  • French onion soup; mozzarella, basil, heirloom tomato, red onion pizza.
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