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Buffalo's new plan -- build enough restaurants so there's no clear 100' for food trucks.

Buffalo's new plan -- build enough restaurants so there's no clear 100' for food trucks.
This pic was taken with an Android phone on October 20, 2011.
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More photos by aardrian
  • Ham & cheese panino (just a grilled cheese), tuna macaroni salad.
  • When one PB & J sandwich won't do, nine will.
  • Buffalo's new plan -- build enough restaurants so there's no clear 100' for food trucks.
  • 2 beef tacos and butternut squash soup with candies pumpkin seeds & Mexican crema.
  • I came late to Chili FEAST, and all 5 were pretty much cleared out. Curses!
More photos from Buffalo, NY
  • Moving on to the wine part of #TacoVino.
  • The electric tower just blew a gasket! Happy new year!
  • There's a good line for @whereslloyd tacos at #SMCBuffalo's #TacoVino event.
  • 2011
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