On July 3, 2012, picplz will shut down permanently and all photos and data will be deleted.

Bacon; pumpkin, whole oat, buckwheat, chocolate chip pancakes; sweet potato home fries; spinach, tomato, mozzarella eggs.

Bacon; pumpkin, whole oat, buckwheat, chocolate chip pancakes; sweet potato home fries; spinach, tomato, mozzarella eggs.
This pic was taken with an Android phone on February 26, 2012.
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More photos by aardrian
  • Salt & pepper chicken.
  • Strawberry mochi.
  • Bacon; pumpkin, whole oat, buckwheat, chocolate chip pancakes; sweet potato home fries; spinach, tomato, mozzarella eggs.
  • Trying Stumptown coffee (Holler Mountain organic) after all the raving in the local paper.
  • Just applied my first Blik wall graphic. When I sell the house, this stays for the showing.
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