On July 3, 2012, picplz will shut down permanently and all photos and data will be deleted.

If my Twitter bio isn't clear, I do know where my towel is -- safely sealed in my car. #TowelDay

If my Twitter bio isn't clear, I do know where my towel is -- safely sealed in my car. #TowelDay
This pic was taken with an Android phone on May 25, 2011.
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More photos by aardrian
  • Agedashi tofu: deep fried tofu. If you don't want real meat.
  • Beef with scallops. And a nice looking garnish.
  • If my Twitter bio isn't clear, I do know where my towel is -- safely sealed in my car. #TowelDay
  • K-9 units love them some tasty tacos.
  • Pork taco and the return of Krazy corn from @whereslloyd.
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