On July 3, 2012, picplz will shut down permanently and all photos and data will be deleted.

.Mwangangi is back from the Left Coast, where he represents #Buffalo (like this).

.Mwangangi is back from the Left Coast, where he represents #Buffalo (like this).
This pic was taken with an Android phone on March 25, 2012.
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More photos by aardrian
  • Malvarosa, cheddar cheeses; prosciutto; pancetta; lime olive oil; Sanbitter; semolina sesame seed bread.
  • Chocolate covered espresso beans, chocolate vanilla cookies, chocolate mint wafers.
  • .Mwangangi is back from the Left Coast, where he represents #Buffalo (like this).
  • Using prop computer to convince shoppers I work here.
  • #LocalRestaurantWeek Rustic pasta fagioli soup.
More photos from Buffalo, NY
  • My totally sweet #Buffalo nickel cufflinks I broke in today. By Heather Mordaunt, local artist.
  • Soup? In nearly 5 hours I'll see if my new recipe works...
  • Duck tacos from @whereslloyd for #TacoVino.
  • The @whereslloyd truck is parked and setting up for #TacoVino.
  • #bfloaddy #addybflo Awkward. At least I'm famous now with all those tweets.
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