Disability:IN 2024 Agenda Bookmarklet

I had some issues using the Disability:IN 2024 Conference Agenda so I made a bookmarklet:

🔗 Fix Disability:IN Agenda

You may have seen this originally posted as a CodePen, but I opted to move it here since I can embed videos showing a before-and-after experience.


  1. Removes empty trigger link before each session, which cuts tab-stops in half and undoes a 4.1.2 violation for a disclosure trigger with no accName.
  2. Makes the sticky header unsticky, reducing some hassle for my zoomed viewport with panels open.
  3. Loosens up the leading a tiny bit in the session names / headings and adds a bit of space above each.
  4. Because each session has an id and I want to link to specific sessions, I added a :target style to make it more obvious which one I linked. The page uses some scroll-linked animations, so this will be hit-and/or-miss.
  5. For those who also link to session anchors, I add the id value above each session. Sadly, it is not selectable since it uses CSS generated content. I opted not to add links since this page is a tab-stop forest.
  6. Converts all the date headings from <h3> to <h2> for a more reasonable heading structure (and easier navigation for SR users).

The disclosure triggers as links bother me, but probably not worth converting to buttons. While that would make it more appealing to then add anchor links, keyboard users would be back up to too many tab-stops even if screen reader users could navigate by buttons alone.


Script to change date <h3>s to <h2>:

const h3 = document.querySelectorAll(".sticky>h3");
h3.forEach(h => {
	const h2 = document.createElement("h2");
	h2.innerHTML = h.innerText;

These are the style changes it makes:

/* Removes unnamed tab-stop / redundant disclosure trigger */
h3 > a {
	display: none !important;

/* Style an anchor when it has been navigated */
@keyframes Target {	
	from { outline-offset: -.25em; outline-color: #00f; outline-width: .1em; }
	to { outline-offset: 2em; outline-color: transparent; outline-width: 1em; }
:target {
	outline-width: .2em;
	outline-style: solid;
	outline-color: #00f;
@media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference) {
	:target {
		outline-width: 0;
		animation: Target 1s ease-out 3;

/* Get the sticky header out of the way */
.fusion-is-sticky .fusion-header-v1 .fusion-header {
	position: unset;

/* Make an anchor option visible, but sadly not copyable */
div[id^=panel].fusion-panel.panel-default::before {
	content: '#' attr(id);
	display: inline-block;
	margin-top: 2em;

/* Loosen up the leading for easier reading */
a[aria-expanded] {
	line-height: 1.25 !important;;

Before & After

I made videos showing how I was using the site with a screen reader and with my keyboard both before and after the bookmarklet is applied.

Using Jaws with Chrome, I spend the first 30 seconds trying to navigate by heading. I spend another 20 seconds tabbing. Then I activate the bookmarklet at 0:50 and start over from the heading one. Now navigating by headings level two moves me among days (at 0:58) and tabbing (at 1:02) is no longer full of redundant unlabeled links. Even navigating by headings level three (1:16) is less redundant.
In Firefox, I used the “Skip to content” link and then started hitting Tab to move through the agenda, encountering lots of extra tab-stops. At 0:13 I went to an anchor for a specific session on the page. Between the overlapping sticky header and lack of visual cue, I have no idea if the top-most session is it. At 0:20 I activate the bookmarklet and start over. The agenda sessions are no longer separated by redundant tab-stops. At 0:34 I navigate to an anchor and am now shown a far more obvious focus style with no overlap from the navigation.
NVDA's headings viewer showing a nearly completely flat structure between sessions and dates. In NVDA's headings viewer, dates are headings level 2 and their sessions are headings level 3.
The headings structure of the agenda (using NVDA), showing it mostly flat. After the bookmarklet is applied, individual dates are moved to heading level 2 and their sessions are kept at heading level 3.
TalkBack with Firefox (Android devices no longer record TalkBack audio with onboard screen recording, a known bug). Navigating by link (down swipe, represented by the downward arrow in the video), I run into an unlabeled collapsed link between each session link (at 0:01, 0:07, and 0:13). At 0:21 I activate the bookmarklet. Then it only takes me three down-swipes to get to the third session, with a bonus that the day heading is now a level 3 as I came back to the page.


See the Pen Disability:IN Agenda Bookmarklet by Adrian Roselli (@aardrian) on CodePen.



Taking the heading text and assigning it as innerHTML in the new heading element opens the door to XSS. You should either work only with text or only with HTML, but not mixing the 2 (especially not in this direction)

Christophe; . Permalink
In response to Christophe. Reply

Christophe, I am open to suggestions for a change! I was sloppy because I would like to think the user is running it on one page on one site only over the course of the next month.

In response to Adrian Roselli. Reply

Without having access to the PHP, I totally get why Adrian used JS for the sake of presenting these changes in a usable format.

But the overall points still stand about H2 vs H3 and the danger of an XSS attack so editing the PHP output directly satisfies both of those aims.

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