Now that it is a market differentiator to talk about accessibility in projects, that’s all many do — talk about it. In a sea of pop-dev noise, “accessibility” can be claimed with little risk someone will challenge it. If someone does, the response is often a fine balance between silence…
The open source collaboration platform Mattermost invited me to be a guest on its What Matters podcast for the episode What Matters – Episode 28 – Accessing Accessibility with Adrian Roselli. You can probably guess the topic. I am particularly pleased with this announcement from Mattermost that came with the…
Not an April Fool gag. I was invited to the 13 Letters podcast to discuss the world of accessibility overlays. The title of the episode makes it pretty clear: Adrian and the Overlays We recorded it mid-January, or before the Vice (People With Disabilities Say This AI Tool Is Making…
Disclaimer: This post and the headline is my opinion. I provide facts throughout to inform that opinion. I say this because accessiBe managed to get $40 million in two rounds of funding from K1 Capital and I am guessing some of that money will be allocated to attorney fees. I…
Twitter announces a new feature is rolling out for iOS, the ability to record audio tweets. It demonstrates this with an uncaptioned video of its Twitter avatar making bird noises: Tweets with audio are rolling out on iOS and we only have one thing to say about it Twitter…
Over the last few years more and more conferences have started to provide live captions during talks. This is awesome and inclusive and great for the olds like me. It excites me so much that I even sponsored the live captions at a conference a couple months ago. While I…
TL;DR: In general, I recommend underlining links in body content. In the absence of a better style appropriate for a specific site, this is the way to go. Overview It is amazing to me how this suggestion causes so much angst and fighting. Designers often argue that they look ugly,…
After a two-plus hour drive to Guelph on Memorial Day (in the U.S., not Canada), I attended a full day of talks and hallway conversations at the Guelph Accessibility Conference. I also had the pleasure of presenting in the last slot of the day in the main auditorium. Feedback was…
Next Saturday (September 26 from 9am to 5pm EST) I’ll be visiting Brooklyn to kick off the day for New York City’s inaugural accessibility camp. I’ll have a half hour, starting at 10am EST, to convince you why accessibility is and should be self-serving, and why we’ll all be better…
In addition to the slides, I’ve embedded video of my talk and way too many tweets after that. Video Impressing everyone on the internet, Paul Klipp has already gotten videos from ACE! posted less than 24 hours after the event ended. That’s impressive. I understand his tactic is to upload…
We should be familiar with anti-patterns in user interface design — counter-intuitive or ineffective user interface techniques. Dark patterns are user interface design patterns that intentionally try to steer users into taking actions that are in the best interest of the site owner, not the user. Sadly, users encounter these…
Last night I had the pleasure of moderating a panel discussion for the Buffalo chapter of Social Media Club. The panel consisted of a food blogger, a restaurant review site owner, a restaurant / cooking school owner, and a local food writer / reviewer / event planner. As I asked…