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Adrian Roselli
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All Posts Tagged: html

A “Best viewed with…” Gag

I made some pointless things again. The First One See the Pen Best viewed in… by Adrian Roselli (@aardrian) on CodePen. A spinning box for each word is not exactly a compelling interface element, I admit, but I based it off this old tweet that was sitting around in a…


Tags: browser, css, html

Under-Engineered Multi-Selects

Others in this sorta-series: Under-Engineered Custom Radio Buttons and Checkboxen Under-Engineered Toggles Under-Engineered Toggles Too Under-Engineered Text Boxen Under-Engineered Responsive Tables Under-Engineered Select Menus Under-Engineered Dependency Questions This post is not about <select multiple> nor a bunch of <div>s roled-up into a listbox with aria-multiselectable. Both the APG examples and…


Tags: accessibility, css, html, pattern, usability, UX

Brief Note on Buttons, Enter, and Space

Keyboard interaction note for just one control from the entire panoply of HTML controls: A native <button> fires on key down when that key is Enter. If you hold down the Enter key, it continues to fire for as long you hold Enter (or something crashes). A native <button> fires…


Tags: browser, html, pattern, UX

Keyboard Challenges for Twitter’s New ALT Badge

On 7 April 2022, Twitter added a feature to let all web users display the alternative text on images in tweets. I am glad to see this feature in the wild for everyone. It has some issues, however, which complicate the experience for sighted keyboard users. The following video demonstrates…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, css, html, Twitter, usability, UX

Maybe Don’t Use Flow Charts on GitHub

In February the GitHub blog announced users would be able to Include diagrams in your Markdown files with Mermaid. I thought this was nifty, and even noticed on an initial scan that they considered screen reader users. Until I read this (since deleted): …clients requesting content with embedded Mermaid in…


Tags: accessibility, html, SVG

Support for Marking Radio Buttons Required, Invalid

The required set of radio buttons. The white whale to many a developer who is trying their darnedest to ensure they are conveyed accessibly while not also making it sound like every individual radio button must be toggled. 1961 Cadillac Wonderbar dashboard radio by Nicholas Lucien (cropped). CC BY 2.0.…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, html, pattern, standards, usability, UX

Column Headers and Browser Support

Data tables need column headers. Monolitten, a granite column of humans (each with a head) at Vigelandsanlegget, a sculpture park in Frognerparken in Oslo, Norway. What they probably do not need is a new set of column headers every few rows, particularly not when they change the meaning of the…


Tags: accessibility, browser, html, tables

Accessible Cart Tables?

The online holiday shopping coupled with my need to make a new invoice template got me looking at a common table structure that is harder to expose to screen readers than it seems at first glance. One I first coded in, checks watch, 1997 when I was an ecommerce developer…


Tags: accessibility, html, pattern, tables

More Google and Afterthought Accessibility

Google has an extensive history of releasing products and tools that fail basic accessibility. This is not a function of individuals — Google has some very talented and capable accessibility practitioners. Instead, this is an organizational failure. Failure to require accessibility in its products or services. Failure to support teams…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, css, Google, html, standards, UX, WCAG

Under-Engineered Dependency Questions

Others in this sorta-series: Under-Engineered Custom Radio Buttons and Checkboxen Under-Engineered Toggles Under-Engineered Toggles Too Under-Engineered Text Boxen Under-Engineered Select Menus A common interface pattern allows users to choose one item from a pre-defined set of choices, while still allowing them to add a custom selection if nothing else fits.…


Tags: accessibility, css, html, pattern, usability, UX

Web Development Advent Calendars for 2021

Got myself one of those Bonne Maman jelly/jam advent calendars and am very much looking forward to opening the first day and all subsequent days. Web developers around the world have given a nod to Saturnalia solstice Isaac Newton’s birthday Christmas with advent calendars covering web-related topics. As a result,…


Tags: accessibility, css, design, html, internet, standards, UX

Beware False Negatives

Automated accessibility testing tools are rightly wary of giving false positives. You don’t want to flag something as an error in a test only to have the team rebuild an entire thing for no reason (never mind the risk of introducing errors). We know automated accessibility testing tools can really…


Tags: html, rant, standards, WCAG